Call for Papers

text on blue colored background that says "what will be our future?"

Lipscomb University annually hosts and organizes the Thomas H. Olbricht Christian Scholars’ Conference. It is an interdisciplinary academic conference largely attended by scholars with connections to the Stone-Campbell Movement (Churches of Christ, Christian Churches, and Disciples of Christ). Typically the conference sees strong keynote speakers (James Cone, Francis Collins, Tracy K. Smith, David Brooks, Miroslav Volf, Kirsteen Kim, Katherine Hayhoe, and Kristin Kobes Du Mez, to name a few) with excellent peer-reviewed and generative panel sessions.
The University is inviting proposals for Mission History and World Christianity. There are also sections on “Early Career Scholars in Theological Disciplines” and “American Religion” that are accepting proposals. A variety of sections and calls for papers are here.
This year the conference will be from June 7-9 at the Lanier Center in Houston, TX, with the theme, “What will be our future?”. Keynote speakers this year are NT Wright (University of Oxford) and Willie Jennings (Yale Divinity School). Here is the general link to the conference webpage:
Being a member or insider of the Stone-Campbell Movement is not a requirement of this conference. The conference is a consistently friendly place for early career people to dip their toes into submitting and presenting papers. Proposals from students are welcome.