If I Were You

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If I Were You

February 22 – 24, 2022

Joan & Edgar Booth Theatre

If I Were You, with music by Jake Heggie and libretto by Gene Scheer, presented in was Boston University’s Joan & Edgar Booth Theatre in February 2022. It is an opera in two acts with a libretto by Gene Scheer, loosely based on the 1947 novel “Si j’étais vous…” by Julien Green • Presented by BU Opera Institute and School of Theatre

William Lumpkin, conductor • James Petosa, stage director.

If I Were You opera production at Boston University's Booth Theatre
If I Were You opera production at Boston University's Booth Theatre

Program & Credits

Info & Credits

Music by Jake Heggie and libretto by Gene Scheer

Presented by BU Opera Institute and School of Theatre

William Lumpkin, conductor

James Petosa, stage director

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