Garcia-Marcos Lab work featured in new publication in Cell

By mstahlMarch 29th, 2024in Faculty News, News, Student News

The Garcia-Marcos Lab has recently published the development and implementation of a suite of G protein biosensors broadly applicable to detect GPCR activity in scalable assay formats and in physiologically relevant systems like primary cells. By directly measuring endogenous GPCR activity, these biosensors, named ONE-GO, reveal that responses are frequently... More

Dr. Meg Younger Receives 2024 Sloan Research Fellowship

By wendyw7March 11th, 2024in Faculty News

Three Boston University researchers have been named 2024 Sloan Research Fellows, a competitive award given annually to early-career researchers across a range of scientific disciplines. Among one of the three recipients is neurobiologist Dr. Meg Younger, in the Biology Department. Since 1955, 59 faculty from BU have received a Sloan Research Fellowship, More

Peter Buston Featured on the Brink

By wendyw7March 8th, 2024in Faculty News

Congratulations to Dr. Peter Buston for his feature in the Brink article called "The Complex Lives of Clownfish". After studying clownfish for two decades, and has housed hundreds of these fish in his Marine Evolutionary Ecology lab, Buston put together an analysis on clownfishes' unique behaviors. In the beginning, all clownfish are... More

Work on Neuronal Communication Published in Molecular Cell by the Garcia-Marcos Lab

The Garcia-Marcos Lab has recently published a study in Molecular Cell titled, “Fine-tuning GPCR-mediated neuromodulation by biasing signaling through different G protein subunits.”  The paper describes how various signaling responses triggered by the same neurotransmitter receptor must be carefully scaled to ensure proper brain function. They found that the protein named... More

Gilmore Lab Featured in Nature’s Communications Biology

By sprudhviJuly 10th, 2023in Faculty News, News

The Gilmore Lab published a journal article in Nature’s Communications Biology titled “Starvation decreases immunity and immune regulatory factor NF-kB in the Starlet Sea Anemone Nematostella vectensis.” This study was in collaboration with Dr. Sarah Davies and Dr. Trevor Siggers.  Ph.D. student Joshua Aguirre Carrión led this investigation with the support of undergraduate Niharika Desai.  Nutrition... More

Ranjan Muthukrishnan Receives Director’s Award for Extraordinary Contributions to BU Marine Program

Congratulations Ranjan! Director of the Boston University Marine Program, Pete Buston, has awarded Ranjan the Director’s Award for extraordinary contributions to the BU Marine Program. Ranjan stepped up to fill open slots in the Belize course roster, he adapted calmly to a very dynamic situation when courses were impacted by a hurricane, More