The Biology major provides students with a breadth of understanding across the full range of biological disciplines as well as an opportunity to explore one of several specialized areas in greater depth. Required coursework for the major and different specializations establishes a core of fundamental knowledge in biology and related sciences. Students build on this foundation through a variety of lecture, laboratory, field, and seminar courses that offer them the opportunity to focus on specific disciplines. The development of laboratory and field skills is encouraged through elective participation in the cutting-edge research of the department’s faculty and engagement in the extensive biological resources in the Boston area.
Combining the BA with the MS provides students with additional skills and expertise to enhance their opportunities for employment in the growing life sciences job market or for further education, including both graduate programs and professional schools.
Eligible Biology majors may apply for this combined program starting their 4th semester and no later than their 6th semester of academic enrollment at BU. The combined BA/MS is intended to be completed in 5 years, but this is not a requirement and students can complete the program in less than 5 years. Students receive both a Bachelor’s of Arts and a Master’s of Science degree in Biology upon graduation.
- The BA/MS program requires a total of 152 credits to be completed. At least 32 of these credits (equivalent to eight 4-credit Biology courses) must be completed at the graduate level (500 or higher) with a grade of B– or better and a GPA of 3.0 in these graduate courses.
- BA Portion: Students must complete the 128 credits required for the BA in Biology or any of the Specializations in Biology.
- MS Portion: Students must complete 32 credits of 500-level and above coursework with a minimum grade point average of 3.0. All courses must be lecture, laboratory, or seminar courses selected under the mentorship of the student’s faculty advisor. A maximum of 4 credits can come from Progress in Research Seminars (CAS BI 533, 534, 583, BI 584, BI 579, BI 580).
- Bulletin info on the BA/MS in Biology can be found here.
- Interested students must apply for admission to the BA/MS program by May 1st of their junior year (for more information, visit the application website).
- Students must be in good standing and have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher at the time of application.
- Students must submit the online application; a plan of study form approved and signed by their faculty advisor or a staff advisor; two recommendations from faculty within the field of proposed study; a CV; a personal statement (no more than one page); and an unofficial transcript. For the personal statement, we are looking for why you would like to do a BA/MS (motivation, career goals, why this program instead of a more traditional MS), or anything else you would like the reviewing committee to know. Instructions for the other components, including required forms, can be found on the application website.
- Please note that some forms of financial aid and scholarships will not extend to a student’s fifth year of study in the program. If you wish to discuss this possibility, please contact the Financial Assistance Office and/or scholarship-granting organization. Additionally, you may work with your academic advisor on how you can complete the program in less than five years.
- Read through the BA/MS Application Guide for more detailed information about how to apply.
Apply to the BA/MS in Biology Program
List of MS-level Courses
BI581, BI671, BI696, BI714, BI719, BI720, BI791, B792, and any 900+ level courses will NOT count for the BA/MS.
All other 4-credit 500+ BI and Marine Semester courses will count towards the BA/MS. A maximum of two 2-credit courses can count towards the BA/MS.
Approved Non-Departmental 4-credit courses |
Biology 2-credit courses (choose a maximum of 2) |
Biology variable credit courses |
AN 552: Primate Evolution and Ecology |
BI 533/534 Progress in Neurobiology |
BI 595: Master’s Research in Biology |
AN 555: Evolutionary Medicine |
BI 579/580: Progress in Ecology, Behavior and Evolution |
BB 522: Molecular Biology Laboratory |
BI 583/584: Progress in Cell and Molecular Biology |
BB 621: Biochemistry 1 |
BB 622: Biochemistry 2 |
EE 504: Physical Climatology |
EE 516: Multivariate Analysis for Geographers |
EE 522: The Development of Sustainable Environmental Responsiblity |
EE 525: Plant Physiological Ecology |
EE 585: Ecological Forecasting and Informatics |
MR 500: Coastal Sedimentology |
NE 528: Human Brain Mapping |
NE/PS 530: Neural Models of Memory Function |
NE/PS 531: Imaging and Manipulating Memories |
NE/PS 532: Neurobiology of Motivation, Decision Making, and Learning |
NE 544: Developmental Neuropsychology |
SPH BS 845: Applied Statistical Modeling with R |
SPH BS 858: Statistical Genetics 1 |
Additional 500-level or higher courses not appearing on this list can be petitioned for acceptance towards the MS through our petition form.
Additional Questions?
Contact Director of Masters Studies, Dr.Kim McCall. You can also contact one of our Undergraduate Program Specialists, Anne or Melissa, or our Academic Advisor, Erin, to discuss the BA/MS program.
BA/MS Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental principles spanning the breadth of biology.
- Demonstrate expertise in the scientific method, including experimental design, critical assessment of the scientific literature.
- Attain the qualifications and advanced technical and/or analytical skills required for post-graduate education in biology or health-related fields, or employment in an academic, government or private sector position related to the life sciences.