A message from SHA

Arun Upneja
Dean, SHA

928 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02215

Support SHA

September 2021

The doors are open at the Boston University School of Hospitality Administration, and we’re welcoming the world back in. It is an exciting time at the school, as we come together to celebrate and commemorate 40 years of SHA.

Indeed, we have much to celebrate: a fresh cohort of enthusiastic students, new concentrations in everything from senior living and real estate to restaurant management, and a rebounding industry that seeks the talented professionals we train, perhaps more than ever before. We’ll be hosting 40 events to mark this 40-year milestone, and we encourage you to join us, whether in person or online. We also welcome your support, for we have much still to do.

Like the rest of the world, our students are looking for a sense of community, and we are doing all we can to foster connections. They are eager to return to the off-campus experiences that are normally a central part of a SHA education: conferences where they connect with peers and potential mentors in the field, internships that give them real-world experience, and travel to learn how hospitality expresses itself in cultures around the world. If you share our commitment to showing our students the world, a gift to the SHA Fund or the Dean’s Discretionary Fund will help make that a reality.

And whether our graduates received their degrees in the last year or have been in the workforce for a while, our Master of Management in Hospitality (MMH) program prepares students for success anywhere in the world—and it can be completed in just one three-semester year. A gift to our SHA Graduate Scholarship Fund will help deserving students gain a competitive edge in our field. With 98 percent of our MMH alumni employed within three months of graduation, your gift will be a meaningful investment in the future of the hospitality industry.

Over the past 40 years, we at SHA have had a wonderful journey. We cannot wait to see what the next 40 years will bring, and we are grateful to you for helping us envision the possibilities. Thank you.


Arun Upneja
Dean, School of Hospitality Administration

PS: By giving to the School of Hospitality Administration, you’re not just helping SHA—you’re supporting the future of hospitality itself. I urge you to visit bu.edu/give2sha today.