A message from the Pardee School
Dean, Pardee School
121 Bay State Road
Boston, MA 02215
September 2021
As we prepare to return to campus for the new academic year, we at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies are asking ourselves: What, exactly, are we returning to?
We’ve all heard the talk about getting “back to normal.” But as I told our graduating seniors last spring, what was once considered “normal” was never really normal. Inequity, injustice, climate change, systemic racism, abject poverty—none of these are normal. So rather than going back to normal, let’s resolve to go forward to better: to better treatment of one another, better policies, and a better world.
That goal, of course, is embedded in our mission: to advance global human progress. It’s a mission we share with our Pardee School alumni—now more than 11,000 strong. And it is one for which we seek your support.
With your help, we can send our students around the world to see problems firsthand and work on solutions to those problems. We can support them as they gain experience in internships—practical knowledge that will help launch them into careers of service and action. And we can continue to recruit and support outstanding students from all socioeconomic backgrounds by providing financial aid to those who could not come here without it.
In that spirit, I ask you to consider making a gift to the William R. Keylor Fund for Student Travel, the Michael Corgan Internship & Career Fund, or the Pardee School of Global Studies Fund to provide scholarship assistance or general support for the school.
When you give to Pardee, you help us educate the next generation of global leaders. You give to the future. You give to a better world.
Thank you.
Adil Najam
Dean, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies
PS: By giving to the Pardee School, you’re not just helping Pardee—you’re becoming part of the efforts we’re making, now and in future generations, to keep building a better world. Please visit bu.edu/give2pardee today.