American & New England Studies

(including Preservation Studies)

  • CAS AM 501: Research Seminar in American Studies
    American Studies majors and minors complete their program of study by undertaking a one- or two-semester (AM501 and/or AM502) senior project based on original research or criticism. Topics vary by semester. Topic for Fall 2024: Food and Power in American History. Effective Fall 2023, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Writing-Intensive Course, Research and Information Literacy.
    • Research and Information Literacy
    • Writing-Intensive Course
  • CAS AM 502: Research Seminar in American Studies
    American Studies majors and minors complete their program of study by undertaking a one- or two-semester (AM501 and/or AM502) senior project based on original research or criticism. Topics vary by semester. Topic for Spring 2025: Asian Americans and Colonial Racial Capitalism. Effective Spring 2024, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU HUB areas: Writing-Intensive, Research and Information Literacy.
    • Research and Information Literacy
    • Writing-Intensive Course
  • CAS AM 505: The American South in History, Literature, and Film
    Explores the American South through literature, film, and other sources. Considers what, if anything, has been distinctive about the Southern experience and how a variety of Americans have imagined the region over time. Also offered as CAS HI 505. Effective Spring 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Aesthetic Exploration, Historical Consciousness.
    • Aesthetic Exploration
    • Historical Consciousness
  • CAS AM 525: American Cultural Landscape Studies
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: junior standing or consent of instructor. - This seminar provides an introduction to analyzing and interpreting American cultural landscapes and acquaints students with the historiography of interdisciplinary study of the built environment. Also offered as CAS AH 525.
  • CAS AM 546: Places of Memory: Historic Preservation Theory and Practice
    Covers key aspects of the history, theory, and practice of historic preservation. Preservation is discussed in the context of cultural history and the changing relationship between existing buildings and landscapes and attitudes toward history, memory, invented tradition, and place. Also offered as CAS AH 546 and CAS HI 546.
  • CAS AM 554: Preservation Planning
    Introduces students to local, state, and national government policies and practices intended to protect historically and aesthetically significant structures. In addition, the course covers planning approaches aimed at managing redevelopment in established neighborhoods, to create livable and sustainable communities.
  • CAS AM 555: Boston Architectural and Community History Workshop
    Focuses on class readings, lectures, and research on a single neighborhood or community in Boston (or Greater Boston). Greatest emphasis is on using primary sources-- land titles and deeds, building permits, fire insurance atlases and other maps. Explores places and sources that help assess and narrate the rich history of architectural and urban development.
  • CAS AM 567: Topics in American Material Culture
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: junior or senior standing or consent of instructor. - An interdisciplinary research seminar exploring a topic in American material culture. Specific content will vary by semester and may be repeated for credit as topics change. Topic for Spring 2025: Material Culture of the Environment.
  • CAS AM 735: Studies in American Culture
    Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor. - Introduction to handling of primary materials from a number of disciplines in order to develop an American Studies perspective. Required of all American Studies PhD students.
  • CAS AM 736: The Literature of American Studies
    Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor. - Introduction to classic problems in the interpretation of American society and culture. Required of all American Studies PhD students.
  • CAS AM 775: Independent Research Project Colloquium
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Preservation Studies master's student standing. - Restricted to students in their final semester of the Preservation Studies Master's Program. Provides for the research and writing of an independent, rigorous, and original capstone project in the preservation field, with guidance from faculty.
  • CAS AM 867: Material Culture
    Graduate Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor. - Introduction to the theory and practice of the interdisciplinary study of material culture, which includes everything we make and use, from food and clothing to art and buildings. Explore contemporary scholarship from a range of disciplines. Also offered as GRS AH 867.
  • CAS AM 899: Professional Development Seminar
    Graduate Prerequisites: Completion of required coursework. - A seminar offering advanced AMNESP PhD students the opportunity to present and discuss works-in-progress and structured guidance for the tasks involved in job applications. Open to PhD students after completing required coursework. Does not fulfill PhD course requirements.