Minor in Chinese
The Chinese minor offers students the opportunity to add a Chinese component to their major field, allowing them to reach advanced proficiency in modern Chinese language through at least the third-year level, and to acquire a solid foundation in the study of Chinese literature and culture.
Required Courses
- Six 4-unit CAS LC courses numbered 250 and above, including CAS LC 311 and at least one course in literature
Up to four courses taken at Boston University’s Study Abroad program in Shanghai may count toward the minor. Students may include up to three transfer courses from other colleges, universities, or non–Boston University study abroad programs and must take a minimum of three courses (or a minimum of two, if they have four courses approved for units toward the minor from Boston University’s program in Shanghai) on the Charles River Campus. Internships taken through Boston University or other study abroad programs may not be credited toward minors offered by the department. A grade of C or higher is required in all courses taken toward the minor.
Hub: Courses taken for the Chinese minor will also ordinarily satisfy BU Hub requirements in Philosophical, Aesthetic, and Historical Interpretation; Diversity, Civic Engagement, and Global Citizenship; and Communication, along with requirements in the Intellectual Toolkit.
Placement Test
A placement test is required of all students whose most recent course in Chinese was taken while in high school or at a college other than Boston University and who wish to continue their study of this language here. Information about online testing is available at the World Languages & Literatures Department website.