Hindi-Urdu courses (CAS LN) are for students who seek to become proficient in the Hindi-Urdu language and acquire a good grasp of South Asian culture. In their basic form, Hindi and Urdu are generally considered to be the same language written in two different scripts. Since they share a common vocabulary and grammar, students easily learn both forms in LN courses. Our curriculum emphasizes proficiency in all four skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. In our teaching, we make extensive use of authentic materials ranging from short stories and poetry to Bollywood films. The first four terms provide students with a solid foundation in grammar and culture. The Urdu script is introduced in the third term. Fifth-term Hindi and Urdu (CAS LN 303 and 304, respectively) are advanced courses that focus separately on each language.
Courses we offer in English translation on South Asian literature and film are open to any interested undergraduates and may count toward the BU Hub as well as several majors and minors in WLL and the Pardee School. Study abroad is encouraged for the development of language proficiency and cultural competence. For information about recommended programs in South Asia, contact Boston University Study Abroad’s External Programs office.
At least four terms of Hindi-Urdu language courses are offered (CAS LN 111–212). Successful completion of CAS LN 212 fulfills the College of Arts & Sciences second language requirement.
CAS LN 303 and 304 focus on advanced Hindi and Urdu, respectively.
Students wishing to major in Hindi-Urdu may pursue a BA in WLL’s Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages & Literatures (MESALL) and/or the Pardee School’s Asian Studies.