Tag: Cooking

CHEF SERIES – On the Rise: Getting to Know Your Leaveners

Jessica Spier, Graduate Student in Dietetics, SAR ’17 For a sandwich, as a side, or served up as morning toast, there are so many different types and times that we enjoy bread. Thinking about lofty, fluffy, leavened loaves, there are two leaveners in particular most highly debated for baking the best bread: yeast vs. sourdough. […]

Healthy Cooking on a Budget: Quinoa and Vegetable Pilaf

By Emma Balek, Sargent Choice Nutrition Center Practicum Student & Senior Dietetics Student and Sarah Butler Mazerall, MBA, MS, RD, LDN, SCNC Registered Dietitian Recently in the SCNC’s Healthy Cooking on a Budget Class we took on the challenge of making a one dish wonder that gives us all the grains and vegetables we need […]

Cooking Basics: How to Cut a Pineapple

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College “This is my invariable advice to people: Learn how to cook- try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun!” ― Julia Child, My Life in France For many people, the main thing holding them back from cooking at home is the fear of learning […]

Spring Recipes!

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Now that it’s finally starting to feel like Spring, I couldn’t resist sharing some of Sargent Choice’s best Spring-flavored recipes! Go outside and enjoy the nice weather then invite friends over to make delicious, healthy food. Happy Spring :) Breakfast Nothing is more refreshing to start your day […]

Healthy Recipe: 5-Bean Extreme Chili Recipe

By Kimberly Greene, Dietetic Intern Kimberly Greene Intern Looking to spice things up tonight? This amazing chili recipe won’t disappoint. It uses five different kinds of beans, peppers, corn, and sweet potato, as well as some ingredients that may surprise you. The beans provide a great source of lean protein and fiber, which will help […]