Category: Resources

Resource Review: NY Times(dot)com

by Ellie Schulman, Film and Television student, College of Communication Whenever Laura Judd, MS, RDN makes a recommendation about a resource for recipes we listen! Laura used to work full time at the Sargent Choice Nutrition Center and was the creator of the ever so popular Healthy Cooking on a Budget course.Laura recommended we take […]

Smart Shopping Tips

Gina Petracca is a first year graduate student at Boston University in Sargent College’s DPD/MS+DI program. Let’s face it: grocery stores are overwhelming. There is an exorbitant amount of food and an endless number of options. Where do you even begin? And how are you supposed to make healthy decisions with so many treats taunting you at […]

What is Unit Pricing?

  by Gina Petracca, Graduate Nutrition Student When you are grocery shopping and about to put a product in your basket, what do you look at? Do you look at the price? And if so, which price do you look at? Most people don’t realize that every item in the grocery store actually has two prices: […]