Sargent Student Organizations
Health Leads
Founded in the Boston Medical Center Pediatrics Department in 1996, Health Leads works to break the link between poverty and poor health by mobilizing student volunteers to connect low-income patients with the resources they need to be healthy. Learn more about how to get involved with Health Leads here.
Student Government
The Student Government includes elected representatives from all classes with the goal of promoting activities and a strong sense of College unity. This group hosts social events, lectures, and community service opportunities for students, faculty, and staff.
Student Council Office: Room 108 | Telephone: 617-353-3311
Class Officers
The members of each Sargent College class select four officers and a representative from each major to provide leadership for that class. Fundraisers are held to support class activities. Class officers and representatives work in collaboration with the Student Council. Elections are held annually.
Dean's Hosts
Dean’s Hosts are students selected to volunteer their time as ambassadors for Sargent College. They give tours to prospective students and their families and participate in recruiting and open houses. Dean’s Hosts are chosen through an application process—students must have sophomore standing with a minimum 2.5 GPA to apply. To apply, please fill out the application.
Meet our current Dean’s Hosts.
Peer Mentors
Peer Mentors are an integral part of the Sargent advising model. They serve as models and guides for incoming Sargent students. Peer Mentors correspond with incoming first-year students, continuing students from CGS and transfer students before they arrive on campus. The Peer Mentors offer a number of events throughout the academic year that highlight academic tips, opportunities, and resources that help students feel connected to the Sargent community. Interested applicants must have sophomore status or above with a minimum 2.7 GPA. View the full job description
Students can apply by completing the Application Form by Friday, April 5 at 5 p.m.
Questions? Contact Academic Counselor Erin Phair
Student Representatives to the Sargent Alumni Association Board
Two students are selected to serve on the Board as liaisons from the student body. These representatives assist alumni with planning activities and initiatives that bring together alumni and current students.
Sargent College Honor Society
This organization provides programming and opportunities to all Sargent College students, faculty, and staff, including professional development lectures and other events featuring alumni guest speakers. Sargent juniors and seniors who have a GPA in the top 10% of their graduating class are invited to join the Honor Society and attend the fall induction ceremony.
Sargent College Rotaract Club
The Boston University Sargent College Rotaract Club helps students pursue service-oriented activities through a framework of friendship and service. Students work under the guidance and assistance of the local Rotary Chapter in Brookline and have access to the many resources of Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation. Learn more on their website or for more information, contact:
Pi Theta Epsilon
Pi Theta Epsilon is the Occupational Therapy Honor Society at BU Sargent College. For more information, contact Clinical Professor Karen Jacobs ( or 353-7516).
Alumni Association Events
The Alumni Association sponsors events that cover a variety of health care opportunities and issues and hosts receptions to welcome or congratulate students on their achievements. The Association also co-sponsors or participates in student events such as the Rose Banquet and Spirit Week and hosts a barbecue for graduating seniors. Alumni will also often offer services that are helpful to students—financial planning for graduating students and alternative health care practice seminars, to name a few.
Program-Based Organizations
There are numerous professional clubs and associations at Sargent College including the Occupational Therapy Club and the National Student Speech Language & Hearing Association. Contact your program for more information.
Unique Sargent College Events
Rose Banquet
Held in the fall, the Rose Banquet is a dinner sponsored by the sophomore class to welcome the first-year students to Sargent and its unique traditions. After the banquet, sophomores circulate a rose to the first-year students at each table. Each student removes a petal from the rose and places it in a box, which is saved until the class graduates and the petals are scattered. This symbolizes their growth during their time together at Sargent.