Limited Submission Opportunity: Coral Research & Development Accelerator Platform (CORDAP) Coral Accelerator Program 2024

**This LSO has a very short deadline to accommodate the Foundation’s deadline. Please review the submission requirements and deadlines carefully.**



CORDAP is committed to making an impact in filling the gap between current and required capabilities when it comes to saving tropical coral reefs and cold-water corals.

The Coral Accelerator Program (CAP) will fund international collaborative teams with impactful ideas in coral conservation and restoration. Awards will span across the full range of novel early-phase projects through to final proof-of-concept development and testing. Selected projects will receive funding based on the expectation that their proposal will quickly lead to significant discoveries, innovations and improvements in current tropical coral reefs and cold-water corals protection and restoration.

We encourage teams with ideas and concepts that transcend different disciplines and fields to participate. This includes end users in the research, design, and development of projects.

Types of projects supported in this call:

  • Novel R&D projects
  • Improving or scaling up existing interventions
  • Translation R&D
  • Foundation science to support the implementation of interventions
  • R&D capacity development and local innovation and implementation

The following are areas CORDAP considers ‘high need’:

  • Assisted Evolution
  • Aquaculture/Automation
  • Cold-Water Corals (CWC)
  • Preserve and conserve existing corals
  • Limit early life stage mortality
  • Intervention planning, risk, and monitoring
  • Blended artificial and natural reefs
  • R&D capacity development
  • Developing country R&D methods


Up to $1,500,000 per project that can be 1-3 years.


Up to 2 proposals will be selected. Applicants must:

  • Be part of an international team with a minimum of 3 applicants, including one Lead Applicant and two Co-Applicants (minimum)
  • Be from organizations from at least 2 different countries, one must be a low or middle-income country as designated by the OECD List

Individuals can only be the Lead Applicant on one proposal and can participate in up to two additional proposals as a Co-Applicant. There are no limits to how many organizations can be involved in one proposal/application.

If the research activities are to take place in a third country (a country different from that of any of the applicants), it is strongly encouraged to have that country represented in the application.


Please submit an email indicating your intent to apply directly to Be sure to include:

  • The names of the Lead Applicant and Co-Applicants
  • Proposal title


Email Notice of Intent Deadline: Tuesday, October 15, 2024 by 11:59 pm ET

Concept Note Submission Deadline: October 21, 2024 by 1:00 pm ET (5:00 pm UTC)

Full Proposal Deadline: February 2025

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