Post-PASI training in Chile
Taking place from August 8 to September 3rd, and covering the basics of the GPU architecture and CUDA programming, use of libraries such as CUSP and Thrust, and applications.
Taking place from August 8 to September 3rd, and covering the basics of the GPU architecture and CUDA programming, use of libraries such as CUSP and Thrust, and applications.
TADMAC stands for “Tecnologías de Alto Desempeño Aplicadas a la Modelación Matemática y Computacional”, meaning: High-performance technologies applied to mathematical and computational modeling. This is a new seminar series created to cover in greater depth the topics presented at the PASI in Valparaíso, and to apply them to the research topics of interest to the […]
Screencasts We are proud to present full-length screencasts of the lectures held during the PASI in Valparaíso. These consist of video of the speaker’s computer screen (slides, animations, etc.), with the audio of the lecture room. Most of these videos captured the sound with the built-in microphone of the presenter’s laptop. Thanks to Anush Krishnan […]