Post-PASI training
Due to the great interest generated during the PASI, we are holding another training event for local students, consisting of 10 lectures and 8 hands-on lab sessions. The course covers from the basics to more advanced CUDA programming, including the use of libraries such as Cusp and Thrust.
This course is funded by CCTVal, with additional support in the form of matching funds by Nvidia Research.
Screencasts are being uploaded shortly after each lecture to the PASI collection of media on iTunes U.
GPU programming using CUDA
8 Aug.–2 Sept. 2011, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa MaríaInstructor: Christopher Cooper, PhD candidate at Boston University
Organizers: Prof Luis Salinas (UTFSM) and Prof Lorena Barba (Boston University)
Get the Syllabus in PDF or view the course description at CTI-HPC website. There is also a poster.