Video: Najam Speaks at Boston Biodiversity Talks
Dean Adil Najam spoke as part of the Boston Biodiversity Talks organized by the Luc Hoffman Institute and held at Boston University.
Najam Speaks at Boston Biodiversity Talks
Dean Adil Najam spoke at the Boston Biodiversity Talks organized by the Luc Hoffman Institute and held at Boston University
Pardee School Hosts Biodiversity Revisited Committee Meeting
Pardee School Dean Adil Najam chaired the steering committee meeting for the the Luc Hoffman Institute project entitled “Biodiversity Revisited.”
Najam Chairs ‘Biodiversity Revisited’ Meeting at ETH-Zurich
Dean Adil Najam chaired a steering committee meeting at ETH-Zurich for a project entitled “Biodiversity Revisited: Sparking A New Approach To Research For The Biosphere.”