Jennifer JooYeon Lee
Assistant Professor, Administrative Sciences Coordinator, Global Marketing Management
Taking a multidisciplinary approach to the fields of marketing and information economics, Dr. Lee’s research focuses on understanding information asymmetry in markets and organizations, as well as consumer decision-making processes in digital markets. Her research philosophy values developing externally valid research to bridge the academic-practitioner gap. She is serving as an associate editor of the Journal of Consumer Marketing (JCM), and is an active member of the American Marketing Association (AMA), Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), GAMMA, and Society for Marketing Advances (SMA). She is a recipient of the Mary Kay Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award at AMS, Best Paper Awards at SMA and ICBE, and the Award for Excellence in Research at SUNY Binghamton. Her teaching expertise lies in digital marketing, platform business, retailing, marketing strategy, quantitative marketing, and marketing research.
Research Interests
- Marketing strategy
- Inter- and intra-organizational relationships
- Information economics
- Digital marketing
- Platform business model
- Neuromarketing
- Marketing bibliography
- MET AD 601 – Digital Platforms and Quantitative Marketing
- MET AD 648 – Ecommerce
- MET AD 654 – Marketing Analytics
- MET AD 737 – Innovative Marketing Techniques
Scholarly Works
Journal Publications
Chatterjee, S., Mishra, D.P., Lee, J.J. and Shibly, S.A. (2021), “Suspecting service overprovisions: how market signals help restore personal control and reduce decision deferrals”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JCM-12-2020-4280
Lee, Jennifer J., and Zecong Ma. “How do consumers choose offline shops on online platforms? An investigation of interactive consumer decision processing in diagnosis-and-cure markets.” Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing vol. ahead-of-print, no. ahead-of-print (2021). https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIM-03-2020-0046
Mookherjee, S., Jennifer J. Lee, and B. Sung. “Multichannel presence, boon or curse? A comparison in price, loyalty, regret, and disappointment.” Journal of Business Research vol. 132 (2021): 429–440.
Luo, Xueqing, and Jennifer J. Lee. “The Effect of Different Post-Purchase Discount Formats on Consumers’ Perceptions of Loss and Their Willingness to Return the Product.” Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 5, no. 4 (2018): 101-105.
Lee, Kwang Hae, Jennifer J. Lee, and Minhwan Lee. “Effect of Pharmacy Store Image on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in Over-The-Counter Drug Market.” Journal of Marketing Thought 1, no. 4 (2015): 29–44.
Lee, Jennifer J., and Leslie D. Burns. “Deliver Knowledge or Touch the Mind? The Effect of Informational and Emotional Advertisement Strategy on Fashion Sportswear Brand Attitude and Recall.” Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 5, no. 2 (2014): 135–48.
Lee, Jennifer J., and Eun-Seung Song. “Exploratory Study of Foodservice Strategies in Korean Senior Care Facilities: Applying Agency and Signaling Theories from Marketing Perspective.” FoodService Industry Journal 10, no. 4 (2014): 137–49.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Lee, Jennifer J., and Mishra, Debi (2023), “Governing ‘Quantity’ Uncertainty in Asymmetric Buyer- Seller Relationships: Theory and Empirical Evidence,” American Marketing Association, Aug 2023.
Lee, Jennifer J., Cheong, Minyoung, and Ahn, Jaehyung (2023), “Autonomy and Opportunism: Exploring the Expropriation and Bonding Scenarios,” American Marketing Association, Aug 2023.
Lee, Jennifer J., and Kim, Hyunuk (2023), “Marketing Knowledge Disseminates to Disrupt Business Research: A Comparison of Conceptual and Empirical Articles,” Global Marketing Conference, July 2023.
Li, Xinyue, Tan, Erica, and Lee, Jennifer J. (2023), “A Platform Business Model for the Biotechnology Ecosystem: Learning from the EV Market,” Global Marketing Conference, July 2023. (Poster presentation)
Cheong, Minyoung, Lee, Jennifer J., and Ahn, Jaehyung (2022), “Task Autonomy and Employee Moral Disengagement: A Test of Evaluation-Induced Employee Lock-In,” Academy of Management, Aug 2022.
Lee, Jennifer J., and Sirajul Shibly. “New Era Signals and Customer Review Platforms: Conceptual and Empirical Analysis.” Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 2020.
Lee, Jennifer J., and Zecong Ma. “Consumer Behavior on an Online-to-Offline Platform: An Empirical Investigation of the Automotive Repair Service Market.” Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 2020.
Lee, Jennifer J., and Satadruta Mookherjee. “Multichannel Presence, Boon or Curse?: A Comparison in Price, Loyalty, Regret, and Disappointment.” Global Fashion Marketing Conference, Paris, France, July 2019.
Lee, Jennifer J., and Sirajul Shibly. “Conceptual and Empirical Analysis of New Era Signals in Markets with Unobservable Quality: A Cross-Disciplinary Study of Signaling, Agency and Power Theory.” American Marketing Association, Boston, Mass., August 2018.
Lee, Jennifer J. “Concept of Market Distortion in Diagnosis and Cure Service Context.” International Conference on Business and Economics, Seoul, Korea, June 2018.
Luo, Xueqing, and Jennifer J. Lee. “The Effect of Different Post-Purchase Discount Formats on Consumers’ Perceptions of Loss and Willingness to Return the Product.” International Conference on Business and Economics, Seoul, Korea, June 2018. Winner of Best Paper Award.
Mishra, Debi P., and Jennifer J. Lee. “Make, Buy, and Ally Decisions In Inter-Firm Marketing Relationships: Bridging the Academic-Practitioner Gap.” American Marketing Association, Chicago, Ill., Summer 2015.
Lee, Jennifer J. “Customer Response to the Risks of Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection: Integrating Informal Leadership and Power Theory.” Society for Marketing Advances, New Orleans, La., 2014. Awarded Best Paper in Marketing Strategy Track.
Lee, Jennifer J., and Subimal Chatterjee. “Detecting and Comparing the Hidden Information and the Hidden Action Problems: Decision Difficulty in Asymmetric Information Markets.” Association for Consumer Research, Baltimore, Md., 2014.
Lee, Jennifer J., and Leslie D. Burns. “Emotional Marketing: Case Studies and Marketing Implications.” Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2012.
Faculty Q&A
How does your multidisciplinary research expertise inform the curriculum for BU MET’s graduate programs in global marketing management?
As a marketing scholar with a focus on marketing strategy, my primary research interests include relationship management, agency problems, information economics, and leadership. My multidisciplinary research philosophy values building a holistic understanding of various market phenomena, with the ultimate goal of applying theory to practice.
Marketing has immediacy to BU MET’s global marketing management students, who are exposed to advertisements and promotions during their daily routines. As an educator, I aim to develop our students’ general interest into professional skills. My classroom serves as a platform for holistic market analysis, interactive learning experience, and practical knowledge.
Teaching allows me to accomplish what I believe to be the essential responsibility of all marketers: to create, communicate, deliver, and exchange knowledge and information. I strongly believe I can create value for the society at large through education. Our goal is to foster young professionals who are not only knowledgeable but also self-confident, proactive, and comfortable working in team-based environments.
What course(s) do you teach at MET?
I teach graduate-level courses, including Ecommerce (MET AD 648), Marketing Analytics (MET AD 654), and Innovative Marketing Techniques (MET AD 737).
Is there a particular project within the course(s) you teach that most interests your students? What is it and why?
Our program’s Innovative Marketing Techniques course includes a web-based simulation project where students employ various digital marketing techniques for a fictitious e-retailer. Students work within the given budget to optimize digital ad campaigns and maximize performance. The project encourages “learning by doing,” and students are highly engaged as they work in teams during the rounds of simulation. Since the project closely resembles activity in an actual business setting, students learn skills that are directly applicable to practice.
What initially drew you to Boston University? How did you connect with BU MET?
My goal was to join a forward-looking institution that is open to adopting innovative technologies and theories for delivering a high-quality graduate education in marketing. I was drawn to BU MET’s approach to providing online and blended learning opportunities, the quality of their facilities, and the support they offer to their students. Also, BU MET’s Administrative Sciences programs are accredited by AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. To earn AACSB accreditation, a school must align with 15 very high standards of practice. Such an accreditation is highly meaningful because it underscores the quality of business education at MET.
In your opinion, what are the distinguishing characteristics of BU MET’s graduate programs in global marketing management? What sets MET apart from the competition?
One of the main goals of our global marketing management graduate programs is to nurture our students to become both globally competitive and digitally compatible. To achieve this goal, our curriculum incorporates the use of relevant international business cases and takes a hands-on approach to digital technologies. More importantly, education is delivered based on a combination of traditional and applied marketing theories.
What are you currently researching? What is the essence of the topic you are exploring?
Customers often face difficulty evaluating the true quality of services and products. In response to this challenge, new platforms have been created to reduce customers’ uncertainty and to assist them with their purchases. Yelp is one example of the many web-based, customer-to-customer review sharing platforms that have become popular over the past decade. Thanks to the development of customer review platforms, which now exist for nearly all service categories, customers have access to objective evaluations of firms’ products and services. I am interested in how we respond to this emerging market environment, and have been conducting an academic examination of how customers look for peer-provided signals when facing difficulty evaluating product quality.
As Coordinator for BU MET’s global marketing management graduate programs, how do you see the curriculum evolving to stay current with industry trends?
With the growth of digital transactions and the ubiquitous sharing of information, it is no longer meaningful to segment the market based on the geographic location. Global marketing concepts, therefore, are now nearly universally applicable. We develop our curriculum to stay current with such trends, while nurturing in our students the skills to communicate efficiently in digital languages, the ability to set goals that will allow them to succeed in the global market environment, and the passion to stay up-to-date with rapidly-changing market trends.