J-1 Bars and Restrictions

Two-Year Home Residence Requirement 212(e) -12-Month Bar – 24-Month Bar

In order to preserve the intended purpose of the J program, certain bars on eligibility to return to the U.S and/or change to another immigration status in the U.S. may apply. Not all exchange visitors become subject to these bars and restrictions as subjectivity can vary based on several factors including country of citizenship or legal permanent residence, field of study or research in the U.S., source of funding, current and/or prior J category and the length of time you have been in the U.S. as a J-1.

Additional Information about the Two-year Home Residency Requirement: A salary that is funded out of a government grant that is given for the purposes of conducting research does not make the recipient subject to this provision. Most Boston University research salaries are funded by grants from the U.S. government. This money is given to Boston University to do research and does not make a person subject to 212(e).

In limited circumstances, exchange visitors who are subject to the requirement may apply for a waiver directly from the Department of State if they meet certain conditions. The staff of the ISSO can provide you with more information about the procedure, effects of the waiver and timing recommendations.

For More Information
As your J-1 program sponsor, the staff of the ISSO is always pleased to provide you with additional information, counseling and assistance regarding your immigration status so that you may achieve your scholarly goals while at Boston University. We therefore recommend that you contact your ISSO advisor to discuss the application of any bars or restrictions to your program
