ECE PhD Prospectus Defense: Mete Aslan

  • Starts: 10:00 am on Wednesday, September 18, 2024
  • Ends: 12:00 pm on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Title: A Spatially Uniform Multi-Spectral Illumination Source and Its Applications in Imaging and Sensing

Presenter: Mete Aslan

Advisor: Professor Selim Unlu

Chair: Professor Irving Bigio

Committee: Professor Selim Unlu, Professor Irving Bigio, Professor Tianyu Wang.

Abstract: The illumination quality is of paramount importance for optical microscopy. Especially in quantitative optical microscopy, the accurate characterization of the sample relies on even excitation, and any heterogeneity in the excitation can result in false signals. There are many hardware and software methods for uniform illumination. Software solutions consume computational power and come with the structured artefacts, and current hardware solutions either introduce bulky elements to the system, or, can operate only at their design wavelength. The novel uniform illuminator, EUCLID, introduced in this prospectus utilizes a diffusive hollow conical cavity, like an integrating sphere, homogenizes multiple input lights and provides one uniformly mixed output light. Due to its diffusive nature, it can work both with coherent and incoherent light. In this prospectus, a novel multi-parametric imaging technique, enabledby EUCLID, is also introduced and its first practical application on rapid MPOX detection is demonstrated.

PHO 339