Davida Pines

Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development, Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning, Associate Professor, Rhetoric

Teaching Interests

Argument and Composition, Graphic Narrative, Modernism, and Harlem Renaissance

Research Interests

Long-form autobiographical comics, the relationship between image and text, and the teaching of writing

Selected Publications

The Marriage Paradox: Modernist Novels and the Cultural Imperative to Marry. University of Florida Press, 2006.

“Negotiating Individual and Collective Memory: Alissa Torres’ American Widow and Art Spiegelman’s In the Shadow of No Towers” in Drawing from Life: Memory and Subjectivity in Comic Art, ed. Jane Tolmie. University of Mississippi Press, in press.

“Art Spiegelman’s In the Shadow of No Towers” in September 11 in Popular Culture: A Guide, eds. Sara Quay and Amy Domenico. Greenwood, 2010.

Other Professional Activity and/or Awards

Peyton Richter Award for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Teaching, College of General Studies, 2011-2012.

Junior Fellow, Boston University Humanities Foundation, 2008-2009.