Call for Papers: Religion, Race, and Africa

The Transatlantic Roundtable on Religion and Race (TRRR) invites presentation proposals for its 2019 conference, which will convene at Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations (HIPSIR), Hekima University College in Nairobi, Kenya, July 1-5. 

This conference takes place against the backdrop of an era of increased political authoritarianism and a noticeable rise in racial and religious intolerance across the world. In Africa the issues of migration, review of conflict intervention mechanisms and an ideological shift on the war on terrorism have raised questions on US strategy in Africa. There has also been a noticeable increase in recent years of suspicions toward known and settled facts and of an economic and cultural nationalism that is fuelling conflicts across the World.

This time of global uncertainty requires a bold and progressive agenda, that also recognizes assets and cultures of cooperation to challenge the existing order. We seek papers that will address these issues with urgency, clarity and an understanding of what is at stake and what can be imagined.

Themes to be addressed include:

  • Political and Religious Authoritarianism: Past, Present and Future
  • Deconstructing Conflict, Violence and Sovereignty in Africa and Across the Diaspora
  • Assets, Cooperatives and the Culture of Cooperation
  • Patriarchy, Sexism and the Role of Culture in Africa and the Diaspora
  • Faith-based Responses to the Immigration Crisis
  • New Formations of African Identity on the Continent and Across the Diaspora
  • Old Media New Media, Social Media and the Production of Knowledge-based Development
  • Religion, Race and Morality in the Age of New Social Movements

We invite analysis of these and other tensions at the intersections of religion, race, class, gender and nationality, especially bearing upon faith sector positioning and responses within Africa and diasporic contexts. Contemporary and historical analysis of these contexts are welcome. Best practices presentations and scholarly papers should be outlined in an abstract of 250 words or fewer and emailed by January 30th, 2019 to Dr. William Ackah  ( and Dr. R. Drew Smith (