Tag: Sustainability

What does Gen Z consider to be innovative marketing?

A BHR Interview with Dylan Huey Gen Z Founder, TEDx Speaker, Digital Creator & Musician at Rodin’ Flash Dylan, explain the mission of REACH, and why you were compelled to establish the organization.  REACH was conceived out of a clear void in the academic and professional ecosystem for collegiate individuals deeply passionate about the evolving […]

The Future of Food is a Berry

By Marty Kolewe, CEO, Foodberry and David Edwards, Ph.D., scientist, author, pioneering inventor The incredible success of the modern food experiment in radically reducing global hunger over two centuries of unprecedented human population growth has led to the hard realization that what seemed to work well till now, cannot work for much longer. Feeding humanity […]

How to Avoid Sustainability Marketing Myopia

By Juliette Van Vleck, Boston University ’23 What is Sustainability Marketing Myopia? On a physical level, myopia is nearsightedness, a common vision condition that causes objects farther away to appear blurry while objects close by are crystal clear. Examining this physical condition through an abstract lens, marketing myopia refers to a lack of insight into […]