Category: October 2022

Letter from the Dean – Consumer Behavior Edition

October 2022 “Stay in your lane.” Sage advice, but to innovate you need room to maneuver. In Hospitality, we have “lanes” that can be tracked along the lines of subject areas that include Finance, Operations, Food & Beverage, Lodging, Marketing, and Leadership, among others. In fact, many of the issues of this journal have been […]

Editor’s Letter – Consumer Behavior

October 2022 By Makarand Mody, Associate Professor of Hospitality Marketing; Director of Research; Chair of Undergraduate Programs, Boston University School of Hospitality Administration I am delighted to present this special issue on Consumer Behavior for the Boston Hospitality Review. The last two years since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic have truly served as an […]

Digital Marketing: Enabling Brands to Connect With Consumers Through Emotion

By Jonathan Katz, Partner, ACOM Healthcare; Board Member, National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association; Lecturer, Boston University – School of Hospitality Administration The dominance of digital marketing is a natural outgrowth of the continual rapid advancement of technology and how society has embraced digital platforms as a fundamental way of communicating. With each jump forward, […]

What are the Implications of Service Robots in Hospitality for Consumers?

By Jochen Wirtz, Professor of Marketing, National University of Singapore; Werner H. Kunz, Professor of Marketing, University of Massachusetts; and Stefanie Paluch, Professor of Marketing, RWTH Aachen University The Service Revolution has begun  The Industrial Revolution, started in the late 18th century, dramatically increased our standard of living by making high-quality, low-cost manufactured goods available […]

How to Avoid Sustainability Marketing Myopia

By Juliette Van Vleck, Boston University ’23 What is Sustainability Marketing Myopia? On a physical level, myopia is nearsightedness, a common vision condition that causes objects farther away to appear blurry while objects close by are crystal clear. Examining this physical condition through an abstract lens, marketing myopia refers to a lack of insight into […]