On April 11, 2023, BU students, alumni, parents, faculty, and staff came together to give back and celebrate what makes them #ProudToBU. Every gift made on #BUGivingDay has made an even bigger impact on BU schools, teams, programs, and causes. We want to thank each and every one of our donors who has helped make this year’s Giving Day a success.
By the numbers
Total dollars raised
Over $3.8 Million
Total donors
Over 12,000
Causes around campus
Over 400
Hourly challenge winners
Hourly challenges are a way for donors to maximize their impact on Giving Day. These challenges are set up to encourage others to give during specific hours. One example is the Alumni Power Hour, which granted an additional $1,000 to the fund with the highest number of unique alumni donors from 10 am to noon. This year, all the hourly challenges offered a $1,000 bonus award to the winning program. Take a look at the winner below or click here for additional information on each hourly challenge.
Social media challenges
By taking part in social media challenges, donors can harness the power of their social networks and magnify the influence of their donations on Giving Day. Sharing and participating in these challenges enabled donors to unlock supplementary funds for their preferred BU cause and raise awareness for the programs that mean the most to them.
#ProudtoBU challenge
Winner: CFA Fund & deneen zarada Community Service Memorial Fund
From April 4 through April 11, we challenged the BU community to post a photo, story, or memory to social media, tag @bualumni, and tell us what they were supporting and why they’re #ProudtoBU. Both of these posts won an extra $500 towards their fund.
Repost challenge
We shared this post on our Instagram page and asked our followers to repost it to their Instagram story. For every repost, $10 was donated to the General Scholarship Fund. Thanks to the BU Community, a total of $1,000 in bonus funds were donated.
General challenges
Ambassador Challenge
The ambassadors who raised the most donors won bonus funds for their cause.
- 1st ($2,000) | Winner: John Quackenbush for the BUA Annual Fund
- 2nd ($1,500) | Winner: Quentin Clark for the Undergrad Philosophy Assoc.
- 3rd ($1,000) | Winner: Ethan Wanner for the Boston University Dear Abbeys
- 4th ($500) | Winner: Henrique Chamon for Friends of Men’s Water Polo
Most Improved Challenge
The top three funds across Giving Day with the largest percent increase in donors over Giving Day 2022 won bonus funds. (The minimum was 40 donors to qualify.)
- 1st ($1,000) | Winner: Barbell Club
- 2nd ($500) | Winner: Mars Rover Club
- 3rd ($250) | Winner: Women’s Leadership Giving Fund
On campus challenges & events
From MET to MED, Giving Day activities were spread out throughout the BU campus. Marsh Plaza and the GSU Link hosted a photo booth, a cash cube, an interactive wall of gratitude, and free snacks (including sugar cookies and popcorn—yum!) The Terrier Trivia Trolley invited students to hop on and test their knowledge of all things BU for a chance to win extra funds for their favorite clubs and organizations.
Donors around the world
Leaderboard results
During Giving Day, these leaderboards display real-time rankings of donors, programs, and teams that have raised the highest amount of funds/donors. They are updated periodically throughout the day to highlight the top performers in different categories, such as the program with the highest number of donors or the team that has improved year-over-year. A bit of friendly competition is always fun—and it allow donors and programs to track the progress of their fundraising efforts.
Giving Day 2023 may have ended, but you can still support the causes that make you #ProudtoBU!