Small Wonder: An Exploration of Knowing Something about Anything

  • Starts: 4:30 pm on Monday, April 29, 2013
  • Ends: 6:00 pm on Monday, April 29, 2013
During the “Living Inside Mobile Social Information Conference”, Dr. Jim Katz will be hosting a session that will be open to the public. The public session will feature speakers Genevieve Bell, Scott Campbell and Peppino Ortoleva. Peppino Ortoleva will be presenting his abstract, called “Homo Ludicus on the Move: The Ubiquity of Play and the Fragmentation of Time”. Scott Campbell will be discussing his topic, “Social and Psychological Implications of Google Glass: Mapping the Theoretical Terrain” and Genevieve Bell will be presenting “Why Are These Shoes Following Me: Mobile Technologies, Big Data, and Socio-Technical Anxiety”. Each presentation will last about 15 minutes and will be followed by 15 minutes of discussion among the presenters. The session will conclude with about 30 minutes of Q & A between the presenters and the audience.
The Castle at Boston University