Timothy Snyder

Ph.D. Student in Practical Theology, Concentration: Church and Society

  • Title Ph.D. Student in Practical Theology, Concentration: Church and Society

Timothy K. Snyder

PhD in Practical Theology
Concentration: Church and Society


B.A., Texas Lutheran University
M.A., Luther Seminary


Tim is a third year doctoral student at the School of Theology. As both a theologian and a scholar of contemporary American religion, his research explores how theology shapes everyday life and how everyday life shapes theology.

A graduate of Texas Lutheran University and Luther Seminary, he was a 2013 Coolidge Fellow at Union Theological Seminary and is currently a Doctoral Fellow in the Louisville Institute’s Vocation of the Theological Educator program.

An advocate for public scholarship, his writing has appeared in Religion Dispatches, Religion News Service, and the Washington Post.

He teaches theology and spirituality at Wartburg Theological Seminary (adjunct) and serves as Director of Education at Faith Lutheran Church, Cambridge.


American Academy of Religion
Association of Practical Theology
ELCA Association of Teaching Theologians
BU Social Sciences and Religion Network



“Footnote No. 3: Cautionary Notes on Dehumanizing Perpetrators,” Cross Currents, Spring 2014.

“Theological Ethnography: Embodied,” The Other Journal, May 2014.

“Improvising with Tradition: A Case (Self) Study” in The Hyphenateds: How Emergence Christianity is Reshaping Mainline Practice (Chalice Press, 2011).

“Perspectives on Ecclesiology and Ethnography,” Pete Ward (ed.). Book review in Ecclesial Practice: The Journal of Ecclesiology and Ethnography, Winter 2014.

“No Sympathy for the Devil: Christian Pop Music and the Transformation of American Evangelicalism,” David W. Stowe. Book review in Religion and Popular Culture, Summer 2014.

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