2009 Annual Lecture

Toward an Interreligious Practical Theology
Dean Mary Elizabeth Moore

Dean Mary Elizabeth Moore
Dean Mary Elizabeth Moore

The Center for Practical Theology at Boston University hosted its second annual dinner and lecture on September 23, 2009. Mary Elizabeth Moore, Dean of the School of Theology and a professor of theology and education, spoke on the topic Toward an Interreligious Practical Theology, addressing ways that practical theologians address and engage the issue and contexts of religious pluralism. Practical theologians have been slow to address interreligious issues, but now is the time for them to take charge of these concerns, she says. They need to look at different religions and religious practices, especially the clashing of religions, and examine how interreligious relationships work. Stating that religious issues often cause dissension between groups and wars between countries around the world, she argues that the future of the world depends on learning to share our deepest religious passions and that practical theologians have an important role in bringing about this sharing and understanding.

To contribute to understanding between religions, she says, practical theologians should study the complexity of lived religions, the interconnection of religious communities and their practices in local and global contexts, the histories and shared histories of religions, and the dynamic process of religious life. Practical theology, she says, must become an agent of interreligious meeting.

About the Speaker:

Mary Elizabeth Moore has been dean of the School of Theology since January 2009 and is a professor of theology and education. Before coming to Boston University, she was director of the Women in Theology and Ministry program at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. She is an ordained deacon in the United Methodist Church and has written a number of books, including Teaching as a Sacramental Act, Ministering with the Earth, and Teaching from the Heart.