2023 Annual Lecture

On November 1, 2023, Dr. Thomas Beaudoin, professor at the Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education at Fordham University, joined the Center for Practical Theology as the speaker for the CPT’s 16th Annual Lecture.

Before his lecture in the evening, Dr. Beaudoin held a conversation with Ph.D. students studying practical theology. He discussed his research and methodology, as well as the arc of his various academic focuses throughout his career. The Ph.D. students and Dr. Beaudoin also discussed interdisciplinary scholarship amidst their shared intensive study of practical theology. The event, which was moderated by CPT Co-Director Dr. Claire Wolfteich, was well received by students.

Dr. Beaudoin began his lecture at 5 pm, following the opening remarks of CPT Co-Director Dr. Eunil David Cho, who acted as the respondent for the CPT’s 15th Annual Lecture. Dr. Beaudoin’s lecture was titled “Practical Theology in the Pantheon: Reckoning with a More-Than-Christian Church.” His lecture addressed the present and future possibilities of practical theology in an interfaith world. You can view the lecture using this link: https://vimeo.com/showcase/10645588/video/876067256

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, and CPT Co-Director, Dr. Bryan Stone served as a respondent to Dr. Beaudoin’s lecture. Afterwards, attendees were welcome to ask Dr. Beaudoin about his research and share a bit about their own. It was a delight to welcome Dr. Beaudoin as our esteemed speaker for the 16th Annual Lecture, and we are grateful for all that he shared with the School of Theology faculty, staff, and students!
