2015 Annual Lecture
Experiencing Oppression: Ventriloquism and Epistemic Violence in Practical Theology
Dr. Courtney T. Goto
The Center for Practical Theology hosted the Eighth Annual Lecture Series with Dr. Courtney T. Goto as the lecturer for the evening. Dr. Goto’s lecture was entitled “Experiencing Oppression: Ventriloquism and Epistemic Violence in Practical Theology.” She is the Assistant Professor of Religious Education at the Boston University School of Theology.
Dr. Goto stated in her lecture that, “epistemic violence, is an experience of oppression from the inside, is ever-present and thus present throughout the academy.” Her lecture explored the experience of epistemic violence in practical theology, where we are given institutional authority to interpret and represent the lived experience of others, as well as the responsibility to shape student experience. She uses the metaphor of ventriloquism to explore practical theologians as performers who, by virtue by our position, makes dummies of those we are attempting to serve, including subjects of research, colleagues, and students.
You may view her presentation here and may view photos of the event below. Many thanks to event photographer Ylisse Bess!