2017 Annual Lecture
The Center for Practical Theology was thrilled to welcome Dr. Elizabeth Conde-Frazier as the Guest Lecturer for the Tenth Annual Lecture. Dr. Elizabeth Conde-Frazier presented on “Wild Child Practical Theology” and doctoral candidate Yara González-Justiniano and Dr. Rady Roldán-Figueroa, STH Associate Professor of the History of Christianity, responded to Dr. Conde-Frazier’s presentation. We were pleased to welcome our colleagues at BU School of Theology, from sister Boston Theological Institute schools, and from the greater Boston community. A YouTube video of the video is available at this link: https://youtu.be/P_9AtRtDswE. Thank you to the Brown Lecture fund for their generous support of this event. We are so grateful to Dr. Conde-Frazier, Ms. González-Justiniano, and Dr. Roldán-Figueroa for sharing their insights with us.
We hope you enjoy these pictures from the Annual Lecture (just click your right arrow on the pictures to change each photo of the slideshow)!