2008 Annual Lecture
Practical Theology as Empirical Theology
Dr. Häns-Gunter Heimbrock

On September 17, 2008, Dr. Häns-Gunter Heimbrock delivered the inaugural Annual Lecture of the Center for Practical Theology on the topic, “Practical Theology as Empirical Theology.” Since 1990, Prof. Heimbrock has served as the Professor of Practical Theology on the Protestant Theological Faculty at Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main. Faculty and students in the School of Theology have for many years enjoyed collaborating with Prof. Heimbrock in relation to research, conferences, and scholarly publications. Prof. Bryan Stone and Prof. Claire Wolfteich, for example, are co-editors with Prof. Heimbrock for the series, Research in Contemporary Religion, published by Vandenhoek and Ruprecht. One of our own alumni, Rev. Dr. Gregory Thomas, is currently working on a doctorate with Prof. Heimbrock in Frankfurt’s international Ph.D. program.
The annual lecture was well attended and warmly received.