Annual Lectures
Since 2008, The Center for Practical Theology has held an annual dinner and lecture by a prominent practical theologian. We invite you to visit each year from the dropdown menu for photos, lecture highlights, and links to a livestream or video of the event.
2023 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dr. Tom Beaudoin | “Practical Theology in the Pantheon: Reckoning With a More-Than-Christian Church”
2022 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dr. Bonnie Miller-McLemore | “Understanding Lived Theology: Is Qualitative Research the Best or Only Way?”
2021 Annual Lecture | Speaker: PhD Alum Panel | “What Does it Mean to be a Practical Theologian?”
2020 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dr. Heather Walton| “Body and Stone: Practical Theology as Creative Work”
2019 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dr. David Jacobsen| “Preaching that Pushing Back: Differentiation and the Principle of Identity in Homiletical Theology”
2018 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dr. Kathleen Cahalan | “The Grammar of Vocation: Changing the Way We Talk About Our Callings”
2017 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dr. Elizabeth Conde-Frazier | “Wild Child Practical Theology”
2016 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dean Bryan Stone | “Evangelism, Religious Pluralism, and the U.S. Military Chaplaincy”
2015 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dr. Courtney Goto | “Experiencing Oppression: Ventriloquism and Epistemic Violence in Practical Theology”
2014 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dr. Claire Wolfteich | “An Invitation to Catholic Practical Theology”
2013 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dr. Elaine Graham | “Jews, Pagans, Sceptics and Emperors: Public Theology as Christian Apologetics”
2012 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dr. Stephan Bevans, SVD | “Fair or Foul? Contextual Theology and Criteria for Orthodoxy”
2011 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dr. Emmanuel Laerty | ““Beyond Belief: God’s Nature Revealed through Practices of Care”
2010 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dr. Thomas Groome | “Practical Theology and Religious Education: A Needful Partnership”
2009 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dean Mary Elizabeth Moore | “Toward an Interreligious Practical Theology”
2008 Annual Lecture | Speaker: Dr. Häns-Gunter Heimbrock | “Practical Theology as Empirical Theology”