Call for Proposals: Association of Practical Theology Biennial 2020

“This is my body”: The Human Body as Site for Intersectional Discourse on Practical Theology and Bioethics

Call for Proposals

You are invited to submit proposals for individual papers or panels on the 2020 APT Biennial Conference theme, “This is my body”: The Human Body as Site for Intersectional Discourse on Practical Theology and Bioethics. The call seeks proposals that consider the human body at the intersection of Practical Theology and Healthcare/Biomedical sciences, two aspects of Bioethics. Central to the intersectional discourse that we seek is critical theological reflection about embodied practices and related concerns about human well-being physiologically, psychologically, and spiritually.

Electronic submission of proposals are due Friday, 1 November 2019. Upon determining the idea for your topic write a 130 word abstract followed by an additional 750 words (per person, if a panel) that make the case for your proposed presentation. This additional material should include reference to your methodology, your key conversation partners in scholarly literature, and your primary intended audience. Please limit proposals to two-single-spaced pages (per presenter). All proposals must be submitted through the APT website submission form. A select number of proposals whose topics do not relate directly to the conference theme may be accepted in light of their scholarly quality, creativity, and emphasis on current sociohistorical events. Proposals sent by other means may not be considered.

Notification of your proposal’s acceptance status to the 2020 APT Biennial Meeting will be sent by Monday, 16 December 2019.

You do not have to be a member of APT to submit a proposal. However, if selected to present, presenters must hold a membership and be registered for the conference by February 15, 2020.

Submit here. 

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