Call for Proposals: 2021 Pfizer CTI

We are pleased to announce a call for proposals for Pfizer’s Centers for Therapeutic Innovation (CTI) program for collaborative development of novel biotherapeutics.

Deadline: June 28, 2021

Areas of Interest and Targets/Pathways of Focus:

  1. Oncology: Targeting tumor cells, immuno-oncology, and cancer neo-epitopes that could be leveraged in cancer vaccines 
  2. Internal Medicine: Obesity/cachexia, heart failure, diabetic/chronic kidney disease, and NASG/T2D
  3. Inflammation & Immunology: Cellular senescence and inflammation resolution mechanisms, tolerance induction mechanisms in autoimmunity, modulating the activity of pathogenic immune cells, and promotion of epithelial barrier repair
  4. Rare disease: Cardiology, metabolic, hematology, and renal diseases

Submission Process: Submission entails a non-confidential 2-3 page overview of the target, mechanism, evidence for disease linkage, and the proposed therapeutic drug. Pre-proposals should be reviewed by one of Pfizer’s Emerging Science Leads to determine suitability prior to submission, formal submission should be routed through business/tech-transfer offices.. For further information about submitting a pre-proposal, please contact Nevena Dimova at

Request for Proposals


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