Wage Types

Use this information to fill out the 9-month faculty and 12-month faculty CAP worksheets.

Wage Types

* Wage type has been delimited, do not use
** Non-earning wage type, do not use

SAP Wage TypeSAP Wage Type TitleYES SAP PARPersonnel Activity Report You can find details about Per...NO SAP PAR
1000Regular Pay-Hrly*x
1001Regular Pay-Hrlyx
1002BUPPA Detective Premiumx
1003Special Officer Premiumx
1004Desk Officer Premiumx
1005NEIDL Premiumx
1006Evidence & Property Cntrlx
1007Crime Analysis Officerx
1008Instructor Payx
1009Emer. Medical Tech. Payx
1010Regular Salary-Staff Exx
1011Field Training Officerx
1012Dispatcher Trainingx
1013BUSOA EMT Payx
1014BUPSA Specialty Positionx
1020Regular Salary-Accrualx
1021Salary-Accrual Pay-outx
1030Regular Salary-Faculty NAx
1040Regular Salary-FPPx
1050Regular Salary-Inst NfyExx
1060Regular Salary-Casual Exx
1070Regular Pay-Casual Hrx
1080Regular Pay-Inst-Nfyhrx
1090Regular Salary-OSx
1099Base Pay Continuationx
1100Regular Salary-NoFICAx
1110Student Payx
1111Post Doc Stipend Non-EEx
1200Leave of Absencex
1500NRA Regular Pay-Hrlyx
1510NRA Regular Sal-Staff Exx
1520NRA Regular Salary-Accr’lx
1521NRASalary-Accrual Pay-outx
1530NRARegular Sal-Faculty NAx
1540NRA Regular Sal-FPPx
1550NRA Regular SalInst NfyExx
1560NRA Regular Sal-Casual Exx
1570NRA Regular Pay-Casual Hrx
1580NRA Regular PayInst-Nfyhrx
1590NRA Regular Sal-OSx
1599NRA Base Pay Continuationx
1600NRA Regular Sal-NoFICAx
1611NRAPostDoc Stipend Non-EEx
1700NRA Leave of Absencex
1C00PY Results Conversion WT**x
1NCFFaculty Non-Compensated**x
1NCSStaff Non-Compensated**x
2001Additional Compensationx
2002Severance Payx
2003Earnings Adjustmentx
2005Pension Reductionx
2006Accrued Vacation Payx
2007Rental Allowancex
2008Retroactive Pay Adjx
2009Txbl income @ flat taxx
2010Overbase supl @ flat taxx
2011Variable annuity@flat taxx
2012Nonqualified Planx
2013Death Benefitx
2014Cost of living adjustmentx
2015Addl comp @ flat taxx
2019Ad Interim Assignmentx
2022Fluctuation of currencyx
2023Merit Add’l Lump Sumx
2024Pay in lieu of Rtrmt Contx
2025Relocation Expensesx
2026Teaching Academic Coursex
2027Teaching Non-Academicx
2028Temporary Assignmentx
2029Vehicle Allowancex
2030Wkg One-Time Assignmentx
2031Wkg rcrrg ntch assignmentx
2032Wkg Beyond Assgmnt Duratnx
2033Wkg Academic Crs Supportx
2034Other (Requires reason)x
2035Overbase w/o Benefits 1x
2036Overbase w/o Benefits 2x
2037Overbase w/o Benefits 3x
2038Overbase w/o Benefits 4x
2039Overbase w/o Benefits 5x
2040Overbase w/o Benefits 6x
2041Overbase w/o Benefits 7x
2042Overbase w/o Benefits 8x
2043Overbase w/o Benefits 9x
2044Overbase w/o Benefits 10x
2045Overbase w/o Benefits 11x
2046Overbase w/o Benefits 12x
2047Overbase w/o Benefits 13x
2048Overbase w/o Benefits 14x
2049Overbase w/o Benefits 15x
2050Overbase w/o Benefits 16x
2051Overbase w/o Benefits 17x
2052Overbase w/o Benefits 18x
2053Salary Replacement no Benx
2054FY Summer w/o Benefitx
2055Overbase w Benefits 1x
2056Overbase w Benefits 2x
2057Overbase w Benefits 3x
2058Overbase w Benefits 4x
2059Overbase w Benefits 5x
2060Overbase w Benefits 6x
2061Overbase w Benefits 7x
2062Overbase w Benefits 8x
2063Overbase w Benefits 9x
2064FY Accrual Adjustmentx
2065Overbase w Benefits 11x
2066Overbase w Benefits 12x
2067Overbase w Benefits 13x
2068Overbase w Benefits 14x
2069Overbase w Benefits 15x
2070Overbase w Benefits 16x
2071Overbase w Benefits 17x
2072Pay Continuationx
2073Salary Replacement w Benx
2074FY Summer w Benefitx
2075Moving/Relocation Exp**x
2076Recruitment Exp – Travel**x
2077Employee Reimbursementx
2080Travel Advance**x
2081Domestic Travel**x
2082Foreign Travel**x
2090Short Term Disabilityx
2091Casual Employee Payx
2092Additional Comp @ Cum Taxx
2093Secondary Wrk Blended OTx
2094Secondary Wrk Regular Payx
2095Help Fundx
2102Stipend-12 Mosx
2103Overbase-Research AYx
2104Overbase-Research Summerx
2105Overbase-Teaching AYx
2106Overbase-Teaching Summerx
2107Overbase-Service AYx
2108Oberbase-Service Summerx
2112Overbase-FPP AboveBenCapx
2114Overbase-FPP Bonusx
2115Overbase-FPP Incentivex
2117Overbase Misc(Non-RTS)x
2118Syllabus Creationx
2119Course Cancel Fee 15%x
2120Course Cancel Fee 20%x
2121Course Cancel Fee 30%x
2122Pre-Probationary Payx
2123Post-Probationary Payx
2124CE Admin Pay for Facultyx
2125Course Pymt for Staff Empx
2126Family & Parental Leavex
2127Personal Medical Leavex
2128Term Family & Parental Pax
2129Term Personal Med Payx
2130BUMG Fam & Parentalx
2131BUMG Pers Med Leavex
2301NRA Additional Comp.x
2302NRA Severance Payx
2303NRA Earnings Adjustmentx
2304NRA Commissionx
2305NRA Pension Reductionx
2306NRA Accrued Vacation Payx
2307NRA Rental Allowancex
2308NRA Retroactive PayAdjx
2309NRA Txbl Income@ flat taxx
2310NRA Overbase Sup@flat taxx
2311NRA Var. Annty@flat taxx
2312NRA Nonqualified Planx
2313NRA Death Benefitx
2314NRA Cost of Living Adj.x
2315NRA Addl Comp @ Flat Taxx
2319NRA Add Interim Assignmntx
2320NRA Awardx
2321NRA Bonusx
2322NRA Fluctuation of Curr.x
2323NRA Merit Bonusx
2324NRA Pay in lieu of Rtrmtx
2325NRA Relocation Expensesx
2326NRA Teaching Acad. Coursex
2327NRA Teaching Non-Academicx
2328NRA Temporary Assignmentx
2329NRA Vehicle Allowancex
2330NRA Wkg one-time assgnmtx
2331NRA Wkg rec n tch assgnmtx
2332NRA Wkg beyond assgmt durx
2333NRA Wkg acad. crs supportx
2334NRA Other Requires Reasonx
2335NRA Overbase w/o Ben 1x
2336NRA Overbase w/o Ben 2x
2337NRA Overbase w/o Ben 3x
2338NRA Overbase w/o Ben 4x
2339NRA Overbase w/o Ben 5x
2340NRA Overbase w/o Ben 6x
2341NRA Overbase w/o Ben 7x
2342NRA Overbase w/o Ben 8x
2343NRA Overbase w/o Ben 9x
2344NRA Overbase w/o Ben 10x
2345NRA Overbase w/o Ben 11x
2346NRA Overbase w/o Ben 12x
2347NRA Overbase w/o Ben 13x
2348NRA Overbase w/o Ben 14x
2349NRA Overbase w/o Ben 15x
2350NRA Overbase w/o Ben 16x
2351NRA Overbase w/o Ben 17x
2352NRA Overbase w/o Ben 18x
2353NRA Overbase w/o Ben 19x
2354NRA FY Summer w/o Benx
2355NRA Overbase w/ Ben 1x
2356NRA Overbase w/ Ben 2x
2357NRA Overbase w/ Ben 3x
2358NRA Overbase w/ Ben 4x
2359NRA Overbase w/ Ben 5x
2360NRA Overbase w/ Ben 6x
2361NRA Overbase w/ Ben 7x
2362NRA Overbase w/ Ben 8x
2363NRA Overbase w/ Ben 9x
2364NRA FY Accrual Adjustmentx
2365NRA Overbase w/ Ben 11x
2366NRA Overbase w/ Ben 12x
2367NRA Overbase w/ Ben 13x
2368NRA Overbase w/ Ben 14x
2369NRA Overbase w/ Ben 15x
2370NRA Overbase w/ Ben 16x
2371NRA Overbase w/ Ben 17x
2372NRA Overbase w/ Ben 18x
2373NRA Overbase w/ Ben 19x
2374NRA FY Summer w Benx
2375NRA Moving/Relocation Exp**x
2376NRA Recrtmnt Exp – Travel**x
2377NRA Employee Reimbursemntx
2378NRA LOA – Faculty (Paid)x
2379NR LOA – Faculty (Unpaid)x
2391NRA Casual Employee Payx
2393NRA Second Wrk Blended OTx
2394NRA Second Wrk Regular Pyx
2395NRA-Help Fundx
2400NRA Stipend AYx
2401NRA Stipened-Summerx
2402NRA Stipend – 12 Mosx
2403NRA Overbase Reasearchx
2404NRA Overbase Reas Summerx
2405NRA Overbase Teachingx
2406NRA Overbase Teach Summerx
2407NRA Overbase Service AYx
2408NRA Overbase Service Sumx
2409NRA Overbase Reas Incidenx
2410NRA Overbase Teach Incidx
2411NRA Overbase Serv Incidenx
2412NRA Overbase FPP Salaryx
2413NRA Overbase FPP On Callx
2414NRA Overbase FPP Bonusx
2415NRA Overbase FPP Incentivx
2417NRA Overbase FPP Contractx
2418NRA Syllabus Creationx
2419NRA Course Cancel Fee 15%x
2420NRA Course Cancel Fee 20%x
2421NRA Course Cancel Fee 30%x
2422NRA Pre-Probabtionary Payx
2423NRA Post-Probationary Payx
2424NRA CE Admin Pay Facultyx
2425NRA Course Pymt Staff Empx
2426NRA Family & Parental Lvx
2427NRAPersonal Medical Leavex
2428NRATerm Family & Parentalx
2429NRATerm Personal Med Payx
2430NRA BUMG Fam & Parentalx
2431NRA BUMG Pers Med Leavex
2600AY Hourly Paidx
2601AY 1 Pay Salariedx
2602AY 1 Pay Hourlyx
2604WS AY On 30D/70FN8x
2605WS AY Off SRT 40A/60FN6x
2606WS AY Off RRT 50A/50FN6x
2607WS SM On 30DC/70FN8x
2608WS SM Off SRT 40A/60FN6x
2609WS SM Off RRT 50A/50FN6x
2610WS AY On SL 30D/70FN2x
2611WS SM On SL 30D/70FN2x
2612SM Hourly Paidx
2613SM 1 Pay Salariedx
2614SM 1 Pay Hourlyx
2615SM Salariedx
2616AY CR SA Salariedx
2617AY CR SA Hourlyx
2618SM CR SA Hourlyx
2619SM CR SA Salariedx
2620WS AY ON RT 100FN8x
2621WS AY OFF RT 100FN6x
2622WS SM ON RT 100FN8x
2623WS SM OFF RT 100FN6x
2624WS AY ON SL RT 100FN2x
2625WS SM ON SL RT 100FN2x
2626WS AY OFF PRFT 60A/40FN6x
2627WS SM OFF PRFT 60A/40FN6x
2628GRAD AY Hourlyx
2629GRAD AY 1 Pay Salariedx
2630GRAD AY 1 Pay Hourlyx
2631GRAD AY Salariedx
2632GRAD SM Hourlyx
2633GRAD SM 1 Pay Salariedx
2634GRAD SM 1 Pay Hourlyx
2635GRAD SM Salariedx
2636GRAD AY CR SA Salariedx
2637GRAD AY CR SA Hourlyx
2638GRAD SM CR SA Hourlyx
2639GRAD SM CR SA Salariedx
2640GWS AY On SL 30D/70FNx
2641GWS SM On SL 30D/70FNx
2642GWS AY ON SL RT 100FNx
2643GWS SM ON SL RT 100FNx
2644GWS AY FX ON SL 30/70FNx
2645GWS SM FX On SL 30D/70FNx
2648GWS AY ON RT 100FN8x
2649GWS AY FX ON RT 100FN8x
2650AY FX Hourlyx
2651AY FX 1 Pay Salariedx
2652AY FX 1 Pay Hourlyx
2653AY FX Salariedx
2654WS AY FX On 30D/70FN8x
2655WS AY FX Off SRT40A/60FN6x
2656WS AY FX Off RRT50A/50FN6x
2657WS SM FX On 30DC/70FN8x
2658WS SM FX Off SRT40A/60FN6x
2659WS SM FX Off RRT50A/50FN6x
2660WS AY FX On SL 30D/70FN2x
2661WS SM FX On SL 30D/70FN2x
2662SM FX Hourlyx
2663SM FX 1 Pay SALARYx
2664SM FX 1 Pay Hourlyx
2665SM FX Salariedx
2666AY FX CR SA Salariedx
2667AY FX CR SA Hourlyx
2668SM FX CR SA Hourlyx
2669SM FX CR SA Salariedx
2670WS AY FX ON RT 100FN8x
2671WS AY FX OFF RT 100FN6x
2672WS SM FX ON RT 100FN8x
2673WS SM FX OFF RT 100FN6x
2674WS AY FX ON RT SL 100FN2x
2675WS SM FX ON RT SL 100FN2x
2676WS AY FX OFF PRT 60A/40F6x
2677WS SM FX OFF PR 60A/40FN6x
2678GRAD AY FX Hourlyx
2679GRAD AY FX 1 Pay Salariedx
2680GRAD AY FX 1 Pay Hourlyx
2681GRAD AY FX Salariedx
2682GRAD SM FX Hourlyx
2683GRAD SM FX 1 Pay Salariedx
2684GRAD SM FX 1 Pay Hourlyx
2685GRAD SM FX Salariedx
2686GRAD AY FX CR SA Salariedx
2687GRAD AY FX CR SA Hourlyx
2688GRAD SM FX CR SA Salariedx
2689GRAD SM FX CR SA Hourlyx
2690GWS AY OFF RT 100FN6x
2691GWS AY FX OFF RT 100FN6x
2692GWS SM ON RT 100FN8x
2693GWS SM FX ON RT 100FN8x
2694GWS SM OFF RT 100FN6x
2695GWS SM FX OFF RT 100FN6x
2696GWS AY OFF PRFT 60A/40FN6x
2697GWS AY FX OFF PRT 60A/40Fx
2698GWS SM OFF PRFT 60A/40FN6x
2699GWS SM FX OFF PR 60A/40FNx
26A0GWS AY On 30D/70FN8x
26A1GWS AY FX On 30D/70FN8x
26A2GWS AY Off SRT 40A/60FN6x
26A3GWS AY FX Off SRT 40A/60Fx
26A4GWS AY Off RRT 50A/50FN6x
26A5GWS AY FX Off RRT 50A/50Fx
26A6GWS SM On 30DC/70FN8x
26A7GWS SM FX On 30DC/70FN8x
26A8GWS SM Off SRT 40A/60FN6x
26A9GWS SM FX Off SRT 40A/60Fx
26B0GWS SM Off RRT 50A/50FN6x
26B1GWS SM FX Off RRT50A/50FNx
2700NRA AY Hourly Paidx
2701NRA AY 1 PAY Salariedx
2702NRA AY 1 PAY Hourlyx
2703NRA AY Salariedx
2704NRA SM Hourlyx
2705NRA SM 1 Pay Salariedx
2706NRA SM 1 Pay Hourlyx
2707NRA AY CR SA Salariedx
2708NRA AY CR SA Hourlyx
2709NRA SM CR SA Hourlyx
2710NRA SM CR SA Salariedx
2711NRA SM Salariedx
2712NRA AY FX Hourly Paid**x
2713NRA AY FX 1 PAY Salaried*x
2714NRA AY FX 1 PAY Hourly*x
2715NRA AY FX Salaried*x
2716NRA SM FX 1 Pay Salaried*x
2717NRA SM FX 1 Pay Hourly*x
2718NRA SM FX Hourly**x
2719NRA SM FX Salaried*x
2720NRA AY FX CR SA Salaried*x
2721NRA AY FX CR SA Hourly*x
2722NRA SM FX CR SA Salaried*x
2723NRA SM FX CR SA Hourly*x
2724GNRA AY Hourlyx
2725GNRA AY 1 Pay Salariedx
2726GNRA AY 1 Pay Hourlyx
2727GNRA AY Salariedx
2728GNRA SM Hourlyx
2729GNRA SM 1 Pay Salariedx
2730GNRA SM 1 Pay Hourlyx
2731GNRA SM Salariedx
2732GNRA AY CR SA Salariedx
2733GNRA AY CR SA Hourlyx
2734GNRA SM CR SA Salariedx
2735GNRA SM CR SA Hourlyx
2736GNRA AY FX Hourly**x
2737GNRA AY FX 1 Pay Salaried*x
2738GNRA AY FX 1 Pay Hourly*x
2739GNRA AY FX Salaried*x
2740GNRA SM FX Hourly**x
2741GNRA SM FX 1 Pay Salaried*x
2742GNRA SM FX 1 Pay Hourly*x
2743GNRA SM FX Salaried*x
2744GNRA AY FX CR SA Salaried*x
2745GNRA AY FX CR SA Hourly*x
2746GNRA SM FX CR SA Salaried*x
2747GNRA SM FX CR SA Hourly*x
2790NQ Schlrshp US Cit/Resx
2791NQ Scholarship NRAx
2792Post Doc Stipend Non-EEx
2793NRAPostDoc Stipend Non-EEx
2796Work Study Payoutx
2900Taxable Tuition Remission**x
2901Imputed Income Group Life**x
2902Recd Overseas**x
2903Deferred Compensation**x
2904Misc Taxable Fringe**x
2905Faculty in Residence**x
2906Group Life-SP**x
2907Split Dollar Life**x
2908Taxable Relocation Exp**x
2909Taxable Health Insurance**x
2910Taxable Moving Reimburs.**x
2911Taxable Dental Insurance**x
2912Taxable PFA Insurance**x
2913Overseas per diem**x
2914Taxable Housing**x
2915Dependent Travel**x
2916Collect Travel Advance**x
2917Company Car**x
2918Taxable Gift Certificates**x
2919Gross Up (Non-Cash)**x
2920Gross Up (Non-Cash)**x
2921Below Market Interest**x
2950NRA Taxable TuitionRemiss**x
2951NRA Imputed Inc Grp Life**x
2953NRA Deferred Compensation**x
2954NRA Misc Taxable Fringe**x
2955NRA Faculty in Residence**x
2957NRA Split Dollar Life**x
2958NRA Taxable Reloc. Exp**x
2959NRA Taxable Health Ins**x
2960NRA Taxable Moving Reinb**x
2961NRA Taxable Dental Ins**x
2963NRA Overseas Per Diem**x
2964NRA Taxable Housing**x
2965NRA Dependant Travel**x
2966NR Collect Travel Advance**x
2967NRA Company Car**x
2968NRA Taxable Gift Certs**x
2969Moving Expense – Non tax**x
2UNWUnemployment & WC Offset**x
2ZWIFed/State Withhold Offset**x
3000Regular Payx
3001Training Timex
3002Call In Payx
3003Paid Meal Timex
3004Detail Payx
3006Court Dutyx
3020Overtime Pay @ 1.5x
3021Mandatory Overtime Payx
3022Requested Overtime Payx
3023Shift Overtime Payx
3024Squad Overtime Payx
3025Holiday Premium Payx
30502nd Shift Prem Payx
30512nd Shift OT Prem Payx
30523rd Shift Prem Payx
30533rd Shift OT Prem Payx
3054MBTA Fenced Area Diffx
3055Heavy Equipment Diffx
3056Furniture Moving Premx
3057Snow/Ice Removal Premx
3058Hazard Payx
3059NEIDL premiumx
30602nd Shift Prem no Benx
30612nd Shift OT Prem no Benx
30623rd Shift Prem no Benx
30633rd Shift OT Prem no Benx
3064Split Shift Premx
3065Split Shift Prem OTx
3066NEIDL Suit Px
3128Retro Instructor Pay OTx
3129Retro EMT Pay OTx
31A0Retro FT Officer Pay OTx
31A1Retro FT Dispatch Pay OTx
3250NRA Regular Payx
3251NRA Training Timex
3252NRA Call In Payx
3253NRA Paid Meal Timex
3254NRA Detail Payx
3256NRA Court Dutyx
3270NRA Overtime Pay @ 1.5x
3271NRA Mandatory OT Payx
3272NRA Requested OT Payx
3273NRA Shift Overtime Payx
3274NRA Squad Overtime Payx
3275NRA Holiday Prem Payx
3300NRA 2nd Shift Prem Payx
3301NRA 2nd Shift OT Prem Payx
3302NRA 3rd Shift Prem Payx
3303NRA 3rd Shift OT Prem Payx
3304NRA MBTA Fenced Area Diffx
3305NRA Heavy Equipment Diffx
3306NRA Furniture Moving Premx
3307NRA Snow/Ice Removal Premx
3308NRA Hazard Payx
3316NRA NEIDL Suitx
3600Vacation Payx
3601Sicktime Payx
3602Sick @ 50% Payx
3603Personal Dayx
3604Short Term Disabilityx
3605Furlough Payx
3606Holiday Payx
3607Floating Holiday Payx
3608Sympathy Payx
3609Jury Dutyx
3610Compensatory Time Usedx
3611Military Leavex
3612Emergency Closingx
3613Union Leavex
3615Suspension With Payx
3616Hardship Vacation Payx
3617Hazardous Injury Payx
3618Captn/Comp Daysx
3619PersTime Convrt from Sickx
3620Workers Comp Paidx
3621Vacation Balance Payoutx
3622Sick Pay Balance Payoutx
3623Borrowed Sick Payx
3624Departmental Closurex
3625COVID-19 Paid Absencex
3626COVID-19 Special Payx
3627Departmental Paid Absencex
3628Fam & Parental Sick Suppx
3629Fam & Parental Vaca Suppx
3630Pers Med Leave Sick Suppx
3631Pers Med Leave Vaca Suppx
3750NRA Vacation Payx
3751NRA Sicktime Payx
3752NRA Sick @ 50% Payx
3753NRA Personal Dayx
3754NRA Short Term Disabilityx
3755NRA Furlough Payx
3756NRA Holiday Payx
3757NRA Floating Holiday Payx
3758NRA Sympathy Payx
3759NRA Jury Dutyx
3760NRA Comp Time Usedx
3761NRA Military Leavex
3762NRA Emergency Closingx
3763NRA Union Leave L2324x
3764NRA Union Leave L615x
3765NRA Suspension with payx
3766NRA Hardship Vacation Payx
3767NRA Hazardous Injury Payx
3768NRA Captn/Comp Daysx
3769NRA PersTime Cnv f/ Sickx
3770NRA Workers Comp Paidx
3771NRA Vacation Bal Payoutx
3772NRA Sick Pay Bal Payoutx
3773NRA Borrowed Sick Payx
3774NRA Departmental Closurex
3777NRA Dept Paid Absencex
3778NRA Fam & Parental Sickx
3779NRAFam Parental Vaca Suppx
3780NRA Pers Med Sick Suppx
3781NRA Pers Med Vaca Suppx
3900Sick time-unpaidx
3901Personal Time – Unpaidx
3902Jury Duty-Unpaidx
3903Unpaid Union Leavex
3904NP Workers Comp Timex
3905STD Unpaidx
3906Suspension without payx
3907NP No Call/No Showx
3908No Pay Tardyx
3909Unpaid Timex
3910LOA – Personalx
3911LOA – Medicalx
9D20DP Reg Salary-Faculty Ax

Student Employment Title Abbreviations

  • AY: Academic Year
  • CR SA: Credit Net to Student Account
  • DC: Debt Charged
  • DCAY: Department Charged Academic Year
  • FX: FICA Exempt
  • FN: Fund Charge
  • GR: Graduate Student Work
  • GNRA: Grad level non-resident alien
  • GWS: Grad-level work study job
  • HR: Hourly
  • NG: Non-resident alien graduate work
  • NRA: Non-resident alien
  • SL: Salaried
  • SM: Summer

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