Visiting Artist: Emily Mae Smith

  • Starts: 6:30 pm on Tuesday, February 12, 2019
  • Ends: 9:00 pm on Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Emily Mae Smith’s crisply imagined paintings reference classic animation, art history, mythology, and science-fiction kitsch as tools for tongue-in-cheek reflections on gender, the gaze, and the role of the artist. Her slick surfaces, dry wit and collapse of the distinctions between high and low culture all draw on the traditions of Pop art, but are updated to reflect contemporary feminist concerns in painting. Smith lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. Smith has been the subject of exhibitions at Le Consortium in Dijon, France; Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin; Perrotin, New York; Simone Subal Gallery, New York; and Mary Mary in Glasgow, among others. This spring, she will be the subject of a solo exhibition at the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art in Hartford, CT. Part of the Tuesday Night MFA Lecture Series at BU School of Visual Arts.
808 Commonwealth Avenue
Room 346, 3rd Floor