Boston Theater Marathon XXII: Special Zoom Edition

  • Starts: 12:00 pm on Sunday, April 5, 2020
  • Ends: 12:15 pm on Thursday, May 21, 2020
Boston Theater Marathon XXII: Special Zoom Edition features readings of ten-minute plays by New England playwrights in collaboration with New England theatres, via the video conferencing tool Zoom. Audiences are encouraged to lend their support to area theatre companies and to the Theatre Community Benevolent Fund, which provides financial support to theatres and theatre artists in times of need. Readings begin on April 1 at noon, and will happen daily through May 17! To join, click on a link below from your computer, phone, or other device. You’ll need the Zoom app to participate (it's free!), and it is recommended you call in a few minutes before “curtain” time. The cast list for each day's reading will be available on; theatre links can also be found there and via the Zoom interface itself once the event begins. Visit our blog for the complete schedule of plays featured in Boston Theater Marathon XXII: Special Zoom Edition:
Contact Organization:
Boston Playwrights’ Theatre

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