MCH Education

Boston University School of Public Health Degrees and Programs

Doctor of Public Health (DrPH)

As an experienced public health practitioner and student in SPH’s DrPH program, you’ll get the advanced training and credentials you need to move into a leadership position, whatever your specialty area within public health. In this practice-oriented, interdepartmental program, you’ll learn to develop, implement, and evaluate national and global public health programs and policies. With a DrPH, the highest professional degree in the field, you can take your career to the next level and beyond.

Director: Trish Elliot, DrPH

Ready to apply?

Learn more about the DrPH application process.

For admission eligibility, degree requirements, deadlines, and application information, contact the Admissions Office at

Master of Public Health (MPH)

Maternal and Child Health Context Certificate → Learn more

Understand the complex biological, social, and systems-related determinants of key maternal and child health challenges, evaluate related research, and learn to assess and implement programs, policies, and advocacy strategies.

Certificate Directors: Lois McCloskey and Ann Aschengrau

Sex, Sexuality, and Gender Context CertificateLearn more

Inequality and discrimination related to gender and sexuality are major barriers to the attainment of health. Using behavioral and social science theory and methods as well as human rights and social justice frameworks, students will gain analytical, program, and policy skills to understand and address the behavioral, structural, and social determinants of gender inequality and their impacts on individual, community, and population health.

Context certificates in Maternal and Child Health or Sex, Sexuality, and Gender can be paired with Functional Certificates for a comprehensive public health education.

Functional Certificates
— When choosing a functional area, think about the skill set you will need to make an impact on the field. 16 credits (unless otherwise noted).

Context Certificates— When choosing a context certificate, consider the area or population of greatest interest to you. 12 credits. 

Admissions Requirements

Students seeking admission to the Master of Public Health program at BU’s School of Public Health must have already earned or be in the process of earning a bachelor’s degree. There are no specific undergraduate pre-requisites, though experience working, volunteering, or researching topics related to public health are valued in the review process.

No GRE score required. To learn more about our admission requirements and find out this year’s application deadlines, please visit our admission requirements page.

For admission eligibility, degree requirements, deadlines, and application information, contact the Admissions Office at

In the Classroom:

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  • Students visit the MA State House

  • Students visit the MA State House

  • Jois Creer Perry visits Lois's Classroom

  • Loretta Ross - African American academician, feminist, and activist who advocates for reproductive justice, especially among women of color- visits the classroom

  • Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley visit's Prof Belanoff's class live from DC to discuss her legislation to reduce maternal mortality and disparities (the MOMMIES act)