Research Fellowship

Director: Lois McCloskey, MPH, DrPH

If you have always wanted to work closely with faculty on a research team, the MCH Research Fellowship could be for you!

Matched to a faculty member and research project, Fellows participate as members of the research team, contributing to and learning about the research process—soup to nuts. Various aspects of the research process, from IRB applications to data collection and analysis to research management and writing. We typically offer 8-10 Research Fellowships each year.

MCH Research Fellows will:

  • Receive a professional development stipend of $1500* paid in increments across the fellowship period**
  • Commit to 8-10 hours per week over a period of 11-12 months
  • Attend regular research team meetings led by the faculty preceptor and colleagues
  • Attend a “research fellow roundtable” once per semester (with all research fellows and a faculty member)
  • Present their work at the annual MCH Forum at the conclusion of the fellowship period (early December)
  • Submit an abstract and present at a national or regional professional conference (optional)

*The Fellowships are supported by the federal HRSA/MCHB grant #6-T76MC00017, and as such financial support is available only to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Foreign nationals may be selected as fellows if they choose to forgo the stipend.

**Note: We are submitting a reapplication for funding for 2025-2030. This year’s fellowships and scholarship funding beyond May 2025 are contingent upon renewal of our funding.

Current Research Fellowship Descriptions 

  • **NEW** 2024-25 MCH Research Fellowship Project Descriptions available here
    • Applications due Sunday, October 20th at 11:59pm. 
    • All of the research fellowship opportunities are eligible to count as a practicum, and can be registered separately with the Practicum Office upon award of the fellowship. More details can be found on the MCH Fellowship & Practicum FAQ. A final list of practicum eligible projects will be listed by October 1st!
    • Note: All on-campus MPH students eligible. Online MPH program students are currently ineligible.

Archived Research Fellowship Descriptions: 2023-2024, 2022-2023, 2021-2022 

How to Apply:

    Application Deadline: Sunday, October 20th, 11:59pm 


    Click on a fellow to learn more about them!


    Research Fellows 2022-2023

    Click on a fellow to learn more about them!