Practice Fellowship
Director: Trish Elliott, DrPH, MPH
We engage our community partners in the act of educating students, and students in the act of making a difference in community organizations through intensive, year long, supervised practice experiences. If this working with external organizations sounds appealing, the MCH Practice Fellowship may be a great opportunity for you!
MCH Practice Fellows will:
- Receive a professional development stipend of $1500* paid in increments across the fellowship period**
- Commit to 8-10 hours per week over a period of 11-12 months
- Have monthly professional development workshops with Trish Elliott
- Demonstrate major contribution to a professional work product related to the fellowship
- Present their work at our annual MCH Forum at the conclusion of the fellowship period (early December)
- Submit an abstract and present at a national or regional professional conference (optional)
*The Fellowships are supported by the federal HRSA/MCHB grant #6-T76MC00017, and as such financial support is available only to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Foreign nationals may be selected as fellows if they choose to forgo the stipend.
**Note: We are submitting a reapplication for funding for 2025-2030. This year’s fellowships and scholarship funding beyond May 2025 are contingent upon renewal of our funding.
Current Practice Fellowship Descriptions
- **NEW** 2024-25 MCH Practice Fellowship Project Descriptions available here.
- Applications due Sunday, October 20th at 11:59pm.
- All 2024-25 practice fellowship opportunities are eligible to count as a practicum, and can be registered separately with the Practicum Office upon award of the fellowship. More details can be found on the MCH Fellowship & Practicum FAQ.
- Note: All on-campus MPH students eligible. Online MPH program students are currently ineligible.
Archived Practice Fellowship Descriptions: 2023-24, 2022-2023, 2021-2022
How to Apply:
Application Deadline: Sunday, October 20th at 11:59pm
Click on a fellow to learn more about them!
Practice Fellows 2022-2023
Click on a fellow to learn more about them!