2022 Alumni Awards

On April 28th, 2023 the Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health held our 27th Annual MCH Networking & Alumni Award Reception. This year we honored Krishna Upadhya (SPH’98), vice president of quality care and health equity at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and Cherrie Lynn Evans (SPH’09), senior principal technical advisor for maternal, newborn and child health at Jhpiego. Both visited SPH on April 28 to receive the awards and speak to SPH faculty, staff, and students.
Congrats to our 2023 award recipients, Krishna and Cherrie. We are so proud of all the work you do for maternal and child health! And thank you to all who attended!
Read more about the event here!
2020 Alumni Award Event
Dear Alums, Students and Friends of the Center,
Needless to say, our Annual Alumni Award Reception, scheduled for April 17th, will not be held this year. Like so many gatherings that are part of all of our daily, weekly, monthly, and annual rituals, we will miss getting together to renew connections and forge new ones. And we will miss the chance to honor our 2020 awardee, Rahel Getachew, MD, MPH (SPH 2002), Vice Dean of Student Affairs (2012-2018) at Myungsung Medical College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Next year, Rahel will be honored alongside the 2021 awardee.
For now, Covid-19 is giving us other ways to gather and care for ourselves, our loved ones, those we work with, and for many- those who are suffering. We honor you and all of the work you are doing to promote wellness and safety among women, children, families and people in communities in the U.S. and beyond. We’d like to hear about it if you have the bandwidth and desire to share with us. If you have messages you’d like to get out about how you are doing and MCH work in the time of Covid-19, please send them: Remember to let us know if you’d like us to push your message out on MCH CoE social media:
- Follow us on:
- twitter (@BUmchcenterofex)
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Congratulations, Rahel!
Warmly and with wishes for your health and safety,
Lois McCloskey
Associate Professor
Director, Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health Education, Science and Practice
Department of Community Health Sciences
Boston University School of Public Health
Accompany Doula Care
The positive birth experience that everybody deserves.
A new doula startup that multiple Boston University School of Public Health alumni and current students.
"Birthing is one of the most impactful experiences in a person’s life. It transforms you, awakening a profound sense of self and fulfillment. However, for many people in marginalized communities, it is often the opposite. A traumatic experience with detrimental side effects."
2019 Alumni Awards
Congratulations to our 2019 Alumni Award recipients! We are so proud of all the work you do for maternal and child health.
Christina Gebel, MPH '14, birth doula and Elaine Fitzgerald Lewis, DrPH '12, MIA
Stories of Black Mothering
Boston University School of Public Health Alum, Fatima Dainkeh, is fighting the maternal mortality crisis in America by giving a voice to the people experiencing inequity.
You can find more stories on Facebook Stories of Black Mothering and Instagram @shifting_narratives.