The ENG Annual Fund – Why Give?

Five Great Reasons to Give

1. Summer Research Experiences

“The SURF program provided financial support for me to do research this past summer on mesenchymal stem cell differentiation for use in tissue-engineered blood vessels. Not only did this research opportunity present a great experience that distinguishes me from other engineers in the job market, but it also fostered my interest in cardiovascular applications of tissue engineering and gave me a potential career focus. Through the program, the ENG Annual Fund makes a key difference in preparing BU students with skills that can’t be taught in the classroom yet are necessary to thrive in the professional job market.” –Angie Xie, ENG’12 – Biomedical Engineering

“I’m very grateful to be one of the 10 Lutchen fellows of 2012. With this fellowship, I had my first experience working in a BME lab under excellent guidance and mentorship. This summer research experience definitely made me aware of real world engineering problems that Professor Klapperich addresses in all of her research projects.” –Angela Lai, ENG’14 – Biomedical Engineering

2. Professional Groups

“The BU Society of Women Engineers Section sent me and five other girls to the SWE National Conference. The conference was a great way to network and build our professional skills. The conference had info sessions on resume writing, time management, and leadership skills. The conference also had a huge career fair where a lot of the girls got interviews from. This was a great opportunity for our members and we had an amazing time!”- Erica Squillacioti, ENG’10 – Mechanical Engineering

3. Putting Knowledge to Use

“The STARS program allowed me to spend the summer working on the BU Satellite program, part of an intercollegiate satellite design competition to build a working satellite for the US Air Force. This practical, hands-on experience has proved instrumental in my path to becoming a professional electrical engineer. I know that many of my fellow students will agree that the SURF and STARS research experiences go beyond what is taught in the classroom, providing the skills that will help us stand out in an increasingly competitive job market. As someone who has personally benefited from the STARS program, I deeply appreciate the generosity of alumni and friends who support the ENG Annual Fund.” – Dan Ryan, ENG’10 – Electrical Engineering

4. Helping Students Serve

“As a member of the BU chapter of Engineers Without Borders, I have had opportunities to see firsthand how engineering can change the world, through my experiences assessing the water system of Chirmoto, Peru, and later working to design a sustainable solution. These experiences have changed my outlook on my education, my career path, and my life goals. This would not have been possible without alumni support to the ENG Annual Fund, which has supported our group’s efforts. I am grateful for the support from the BU community.” Jeremy Schein ENG’10 – Electrical Engineering

5. Bettering the World

“I care deeply about our environment, oil dependence and its impact upon national security plus future economic opportunities available to our kids and grand kids.  That is why it’s important to create an economy that is based upon green and sustainable energies.  To achieve this we need to educate hundreds of thousands of young professionals with the skills necessary to re-tool our economy with green jobs.   That is what the CEESI program is all about.  So please contribute what you can to this important program and make our world a little greener for everyone and a brighter future for our kids.” -Nick Lippis ENG’84 & ENG’89 – Electrical & Systems Engineering

Now you’ve seen some of ways the College is strengthened by the generosity of alumni like you.  Want to give back to the ENG family, but aren’t sure how or where to go? Look no further!