
Arctic Worlds: A Symposium on the Environment and Humanities

The Pardee Center, CAS, and the Center for the Humanities are co-hosting a full-day symposium on February 26 titled “Arctic Worlds: A Symposium on the Environment and Humanities”. The symposium will feature a series of panel discussions and a keynote by Inuuteq Holm Olsen, Minister Plenipotentiary for Greenland. It’s free and open to the public! […]

GE 532 students present analysis of Mystic River contamination

On March 28, students in Research for Environmental Agencies and Organizations (GE 532) presented their analysis of chemical storage and contaminated site vulnerability to climate change to representatives of the Mystic River Watershed Association, the Sustainable Remediation Forum, EcoAdapt, and the engineering consulting firms Fuss & O’Neill and Woodward and Curran. The students also presented […]

Mike Dietze delivers keynote at Mass Environmental Education Society

Associate Professor Mike Dietze delivered the keynote at the Massachusetts Environmental Education Society annual conference, as he addressed ecological forecasting and its application to citizen science. Professor Dietze spoke of the ways that iterative forecasts can improve and accelerate basic environmental science, while at the same time making that science more directly relevant to society. […]

E&E students head to City Hall

On December 12th students in Research for Environmental Agencies & Organizations (GE 532, taught by Rick Reibstein), presented to officials of the city of Boston and the Boston Public Health Commission on actions that can develop green economies and improve public health in areas currently suffering the impact of high levels of pollution and neglect. […]

PhD student Claudia Mazur speaks to Holyoke about sediment-water interface

PhD student Claudia Mazur was invited to give a talk as a part of the Fall 2018 Earth Adventure Series hosted by the Department of Environmental Studies, Geology, & Geography at Mount Holyoke College, Claudia’s alma mater. The purpose of Earth Adventures is to expose current students to scientific research in these three fields occurring […]

BU earthquake science well represented at AGU

Research Assistant Professor Rachel Abercrombie, and Assistant Professor Christine Regalla, and PhD student Emily Schottenfels are attending this month’s Fall AGU Meeting to present their work, interact with their colleagues and catch up with the latest research in Geophysics. Together they are co-authors on 10 presentations, working with colleagues and students from a variety of […]

Cutler Cleveland presents emissions findings to City of Boston

On November 8 Professor Cutler Cleveland presented preliminary results of his team’s research to the the City of Boston’s Green Ribbon Commission. BU President Robert Brown sits on the commission. Professor Cleveland and his colleagues provide technical analyses of the options available to the City to reach its goal of carbon-neutrality by 2050. Researchers in […]