
Students in Research Class Present at the Massachusetts Green Careers Conference

At the Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife in Westborough, MA, on September 20, Alana Danison and Madeleine Mattson participated in Rick Reibstein’s presentation on the projects students have been doing in his class Research for Environmental Agencies and Organizations (GE 532 and 534). The projects have included work on lead poisoning prevention, water quality […]

Mike Dietze delivers keynote at Mass Environmental Education Society

Associate Professor Mike Dietze delivered the keynote at the Massachusetts Environmental Education Society annual conference, as he addressed ecological forecasting and its application to citizen science. Professor Dietze spoke of the ways that iterative forecasts can improve and accelerate basic environmental science, while at the same time making that science more directly relevant to society. […]

Wally Fulweiler to speak about discovering the unknown at Radcliffe Institute

Associate Professor Wally Fulweiler will join The Undiscovered, a Radcliffe Institute science symposium that will focus on how scientists explore realities they cannot anticipate. Speakers from across the disciplines of modern science will present personal experiences and discuss how to train scientists, educators, and funders to foster the expertise and open-mindedness needed to reveal undiscovered aspects […]