BU earthquake science well represented at AGU
Research Assistant Professor Rachel Abercrombie, and Assistant Professor Christine Regalla, and PhD student Emily Schottenfels are attending this month’s Fall AGU Meeting to present their work, interact with their colleagues and catch up with the latest research in Geophysics.
Together they are co-authors on 10 presentations, working with colleagues and students from a variety of American and international institutions. Rachel’s work focuses on earthquake source parameters of events in a variety of tectonic conditions, including the San Andreas fault in California, induced seismicity in Oklahoma, and oceanic transform faults. Christine’s group is working on finding active faults in Cascadia and imaging the subduction zone in the region of the 2011 M9 destructive Japanese earthquake and tsunami.
Professor Abercrombie:
- S11B-02 Towards Improved Stress Drop Measurement: A Detailed Comparison of Contrasting Approaches
- S11B-03 Applying improved spectral analysis to an induced earthquake sequence in Oklahoma and implications on earthquake triggering
- S21C-0436 Source Complexity of the 2015 Mw 4.0 Guthrie, Oklahoma Earthquake
- S21C-0451 Robust Analysis of Stress Drop Variation along San Andreas Fault at Parkfield Using Multiple Local Networks
- S41C-0551 Fault Structure, Earthquake Interaction, and Source Properties of Two Small (Mw < 4) Sequences in the Walker Lane
- T13I-0354 The anatomy of an ocean transform fault rupture: the 2016 M7.1 Romanche earthquake in the Mid-Atlantic from high-resolution local seismic and bathymetry data recorded with the PI-LAB experiment
- T23E-0414 Earthquake Processes along Oceanic Transform Faults and Ridge Segments: OBS Observations along the Chain Fracture Zone in the Mid-Atlantic from the PI-LAB Experiment
Professor Regalla:
- EP51D-1865 Bent out of Shape: Submarine Tectonic Geomorphology in Accretionary Prisms (lead author Emily Schottenfels)
- T13H-0319 Eocene to Recent permanent forearc deformation in Northern Cascadia, southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
- T13H-0320 Upper plate deformation in northern Cascadia and active bending of the Olympic orocline