Category: Information

What To Bring To BU…And What NOT To Bring!

If you partook in a Summer Send Off event this August, you received a list of what you can and cannot bring to campus. For those of you who lost the list, or who didn’t have the chance to attend, here is the list. Housing also makes the list available on their website.

Message from Dean Elmore – September 4, 2010

Dear Friends, I am sad to inform you of the loss, today, of one of our own. Adam Robert Engel, a junior in the School of Management, died this morning of injuries suffered from a fall in the Doubletree Guest Suites Boston. Adam is from Old Bethpage, New York, and was studying accounting. He was […]

Fall 2010 Back-To-Campus Email From Dean Elmore

This email was sent to all students on Thursday, September 2, 2010 via e-mail. ——– Welcome and Welcome back! It’s hard to believe – another year around the sun (I’m getting old). Let me ask that question we’ve all asked and answered so many times today: how was your break? I hope it was wonderful […]

On the Road Catching Up with Terriers

Walking around New York and chatting with folks nearby makes me feel like I’m home, again – the familiar accents and swagger; I heard some Billy Joel on the Island; can watch a decent handball game; catch a real slice; and, finally, someone gives me a smile of solidarity when I ask about the Mets. […]

BU Red Sox Green Team

Since 2008, the Boston Red Sox have called upon local college students help with their sustainability promotions and to collect recyclables throughout the ballpark on game days.

Welcome New Terriers!

We welcome the Class of 2013 to our vibrant community! Here’s your chance to see the campus and register for classes during the summer on us – that’s right, free Orientation registration. Take a look at the place where we live, play, and work: