
BU creates an environment supporting individual exploration and accomplishment and promotes community. Our standards value personal freedoms, respect for others, and the pursuit of truth and learning. Our community is at its best when all members observe our standards of conduct. Judicial Affairs contributes directly to providing a safe academic and residential environment for all by requiring its students to adhere to the highest standards of personal conduct; maintaining a system of accountability through disciplinary review and recording; and facilitating acquisition of pertinent security data.


The Lifebook serves as an essential resource for all students, providing a complete guide to the community standards, expectations, and policies that govern student life. Whether you are living on campus or commuting from off-campus, the Lifebook outlines the key guidelines that help maintain a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for everyone.


Your safety is a high priority. BU makes its campuses as safe as possible, but we’re in the heart of a thriving urban area. Being mindful of your surroundings, behavior, and potential risks are key to staying safe—and making the most of life at BU.

We’ve provided the information and advice you need to make good decisions for your well-being and that of your fellow Terriers.

Student Responsibilities

Along with your nonacademic and academic conduct and responsibilities, we lay out your rights as a student at BU. We also give you steps for what to do in case you need to file a complaint, and what happens if the University takes disciplinary measures.

University Board on Student Conduct

Here’s where you’ll find the current faculty, staff, and student members of the University Board charged with hearing student appeals to judicial investigations. You can also read the Board’s membership, administration, and procedural rules.