Every major within the Department of Classical Studies must have an advisor. Majors can either choose a member of the classics faculty or the department’s Director of Undergraduate Studies to be their advisor.

Advising Process

  1. About one month prior to registration in the fall and in the spring, students receive an email informing them of advising dates and advising information.
  2. Students contact their advisors to schedule an advising appointment.
  3. During the appointment complete the Course Registration Form.
  4. Email the completed from to classics@bu.edu to receive your academic advising code.*Majors must attend these advising appointments to receive their advising codes, which enables them to register for classes.

Advising Forms

Below are some frequently-asked questions regarding classics majors and their concentrations. If a student has other questions, they should first check the Course Bulletin or CAS Website.

Frequently Asked Questions


Joseph Knapik

Senior Program Coordinator


James Uden

Professor of Classical Studies; Associate Chair Director of Undergraduate Studies
