The Department of Classical Studies at Boston University in cooperation with the Program in Modern Greek is proud to announce the Boston University Philhellenes (BUPh) project. This project has three primary goals:
1. To promote the appreciation of Greek culture and its continuous history from antiquity to the present day through cultural events at Boston University. Such events will encourage links between Boston University students and faculty, the Greek community of Boston, and the Boston community at large.
2. To promote Summer Study in Greece that will permit students to learn the Greek language and experience Greek culture.
3. To promote scholarships for the study of Modern Greek at Boston University.
The Boston University Philhellenes project comprises three related organizations.
1. The Boston University Philhellenes. This new student organization is based in the Department of Classical Studies and open to all students who associate themselves with Hellenic culture and ideals. The faculty advisor for the group is Kelly Polychroniou, Senior Lecturer in Modern Greek. The officers for 2015-2016 are Katrice Kemble (president), Yanni Metaxas (vice-president), Sasha Lalmoni (secretary), Joshua Allbright (treasurer/UCA liason), and Christiana Kalfas (PR & Communications).
2. The Boston University Philhellenes Alumni. This group of Boston University alumni work together to support the goals of the BUPh project and participate and help organize BUPh events.
3. The Friends of Boston University Philhellenes. This organization is headed by a Board of Directors, consisting of leading businessmen, writers, and cultural and academic figures in Boston, who support the goals of the Boston University Philhellenes Project. The president of the Boston University Philhellenes Alumni also sits on this board, ex officio.
BUPh-sponsored events began on December 5, 2012 with the performance of Plato’s Apology of Socrates by the Greek Theater of New York. This event, in cooperation with the Boston University Core Curriculum, the Department of Classical Studies, and the NEH Distinguished Teaching Professorship attracted a sold-out crowd to the Boston University Conference Auditorium.
On April 8, 2013 in Tsai Auditorium, the BUPh once again partnered with the Department of Classical Studies and the NEH Distinguished Teaching Professorship to sponsor the third annual concert by the Greek Music Ensemble.
Click here to learn about the 2014-2015 year, our biggest year ever.
The BUPh will be announcing more events promoting Greek culture and history in the near future! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on our announcements.
Support BUPh
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the Boston University Philhellenes (BUPh) Project in order to support the Summer Study in Greece for our students, please make your check out to “Trustees of Boston University” and write “BUPh, #9300010861″ in the memo line. Send the check to:
BUPh, Department of Classical Studies, c/o Nancy Geourntas, Administrator
Boston University, 745 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA, 02215 .
All donations will be gratefully acknowledged.
Summer Study Donors
The Boston University Department of Classical Studies and the Boston University Philhellenes gratefully recognize the support of the following generous donors who have made scholarships possible for our students:
Mr. George Danis
The John and Sonia Lingos Family Foundation
Joyce Deliyiannis (HELPIS)
Brothers Kouzina
Stellios Deliyiannis (Weston Road Cafe)
Eftsathios Mallakis (Desfina Restaurant)
Kleanthi Mavrogiannaki (Greek 4 Kids)
The VII Capital Group
The Alpha Omega Council of Boston
The Boston University Hellenic Studies Fund
The Gerondelis Foundation
The NEH Distinguished Teaching Professorship