2024 Award Winners

Boston University Center for the Humanities Awards, 2024:

John Oddy Memorial: Sophia Fruehauf, Sydney Jessup, & Eleanor Moran

Elsbeth Melville Latin Prize: John Griffin

College of Arts and Sciences Award, 2024: 

College Prize: Kit Huong Li

Departmental Awards, 2024:

Antonis Fragoudakis Memorial Award: Spiridon-Iosif Capotos & Artemios Kayas

The Meyer Reinhold Prize: Sofia Podgorski

The Ann Vasaly Prize for Excellence in Classics: Vivian Dai

The following awards are presented each Spring to undergraduates concentrating in the Department of Classical Studies.

The College Prize

The College of Arts & Sciences, on the recommendation of the Department of Classical Studies, awards this prize to the senior who has demonstrated excellence and superior achievement both as a scholar in ancient Greek and Latin and as a member of the classics community in terms of service to the University, college, and/or the department. The award is presented every year on Friday of Commencement Weekend.

The Meyer Reinhold Prize

The Department of Classical Studies awards this prize to one or more undergraduate(s) enrolled in the College of Arts & Sciences who have demonstrated superior achievement in the study of ancient history, Roman civilization, or the classical tradition. The award is presented at a spring reception hosted by the Department of Classical Studies held each April.

The Dean Elsbeth Melville Latin Prize

The Department of Classical Studies, in conjunction with the Center for the Humanities, awards this prize, on the recommendation of the faculty of the Department of Classical Studies, to an undergraduate who has demonstrated superior achievement in the study of Latin and who anticipates a profession in the classics. The award is presented at the Humanities Foundation award ceremony held each April.

The John Oddy Memorial Award

The Department of Classical Studies, in conjunction with the Center for the Humanities, awards this prize on the recommendation of the faculty of the Department of Classical Studies, to a select number of junior or senior women who have distinguished themselves in a course in classical history or classical civilization. Applicants need not be in the College of Arts & Sciences. Financial need may be taken into account in making the selection. The award is presented at the Humanities Foundation award ceremony held each April.

In addition, other prizes and fellowships for which classics concentrators are eligible are awarded by nomination to the Boston University Center for the Humanities (617-353-2641).

The Ann Vasaly Prize

The Department of Classical Studies awards this prize to the student who has excelled in the study of ancient Greek and Latin. The award is presented at the department’s Commencement ceremony in May.

Past Award Winners